Search for tag: "scott stockwell"

Comment améliorer l'efficacité de votre équipe SOC ?

Découvrez comment permettre aux…

+6 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Témoignage de Guillaume Wazner sur l’IBM Z

Guillaume Wazner, architecte Z chez IBM, aborde…

+7 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Q&A Session - hear from the Panel

All our speakers answering the questions you…

+4 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

#IN300SEC with Gianni Margutti, IBM Consulting Italy

Interview with Gianni Margutti, Managing Parter…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Evénement IBM Sécurité France - 22 mars 2022 Campus Cyber - Video 1’

Pourquoi participer à…

+7 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

The Smarter Hospital: PART 2

How do we accelerate the shift to the smarter…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Témoignage d'Abderrahmane Ouazib sur l’IBM Z

Abderrahmane Ouazib, architecte Z et Linux One,…

+8 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Älyn hyvä hybridi - Monipilviympäristön huoletonta hallintaa Episode 4

Meri Loimu, IBM Automation Sales and Jouko…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Älyn hyvä hybridi - Monipilviympäristön huoletonta hallintaa Episode 1

Meri Loimu, IBM Automation Sales and Pekko…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

IBMZ Interview with Fadwa Alozade

Video in which Fadwa Alozade explains the place…

+6 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

Alexis Flouw, Développeur à l’IRCEM, témoigne sur son expérience de chatbot

Il évoque son parcours et les 3 dimensions…

+7 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19

IBM Cloud Pak for Security

Video with short description of IBM Cloud Pack…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

Video with short description of IBM Cloud Pack…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19

What is IBM Cloud Pak?

Video with short description of IBM Cloud Pack…

+7 More
From  060000DX19 060000DX19