Search for tag: "watsonx code assistant"


IT部門が直面する課題解決へのAI適用を通してIT変革への期待が高まっています。その実現には変化に迅速かつ柔軟に対応できるシステム環境が必要です。本セッションではAI活用に取り組むお客様の事例を交えて、AIによるIT変革の今と可能性を解説します。*この動画は、2024年7月11日(木)に実施されたThink Japanのキーノート・セッションです。

From  chq_master_librarians

Generate code quickly with watsonx Code Assistant

If your business needs a new application or an existing application needs to be modernized, then use watsonx Code Assistant. Built with IBM’s Granite code model, it’s AI designed to…

From  6A20001W9N 6A20001W9N

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z (Short Demo)

This short demo takes you through an overview of the capabilities of watsonx Code Assistant for Z. See how a developer can easily understand, refactor, transform, and validate the code with this…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: JCL code explanation demo

In today’s fast-paced technology landscape, enterprises must embrace automation and generative AI to stay competitive. The 2.1 release of IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z introduces a highly…

From  chq_master_librarians

Webinar: Generate and Explain Full Ansible Playbooks with AI using watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed

Generating Ansible Playbook content from scratch can be a demanding task for content creators of any skill level. However, by combining generative AI and IT automation, automation teams can learn,…

From  chq_master_librarians

Ansible Playbook Generation and Explanation

This video showcases the capabilities of IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible, demonstrating how users can create and obtain explanation for Ansible Playbooks. To find out more, book a live…

From  chq_master_librarians

A developer's journey of modernizing a COBOL application with watsonx Code Assistant for Z

This webinar will uncover the impact gen AI can have on the daily life of developers doing COBOL application modernization, unveiling the power of IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z in modernizing…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: Validation Demo

This demo showcases the validation capability for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: Refactoring Demo

This demo showcases the refactoring capability for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

From  chq_marketing_contributors

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: Code Explanation Demo

This demo showcases the code explanation capability for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: Code Transformation

This demo showcases the code transformation capability for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z: Code Optimization

This demo showcases the code optimization capability for watsonx Code Assistant for Z.

From  chq_master_librarians

Product spotlight - watsonx Code Assistant

This video shows how watsonx Code Assistant accelerates mainframe application modernization with generative AI.

From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

Orchestrating the flow of life with watsonx

Water Corporation is responsible for the flow of critical water services to millions across Western Australia.Partnering with IBM Consulting and AWS, Water Corporation adopted an AI-enhanced cloud…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications

Explore how IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Enterprise Java Applications leverages generative AI and automation to help developers increase their productivity and agility throughout the application…

From  chq_master_librarians

Accelerate Ansible Playbook Creation with IBM Watsonx Code Assistant

IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed leverages generative AI to accelerate the creation of Ansible Playbooks and helps organizations implement IT automation. See how it works as…

From  chq_master_librarians