LTI Mindtree, a large global system integrator, combines their skills and industry knowledge with IBM watsonx Orchestrate to create a digital assistant for the insurance industry. The assistant helps…
この動画では、IBMのAIアシスタント「IBM watsonx Orchestrate」をご紹介します。人事業務のデモを通じて、どのように効率的にタスクを自動化し、業務プロセスを最適化するかをご覧いただけます。AI技術を活用しどのように企業の生産性向上に貢献するのかをぜひご覧ください。
属人的になりがちで、担当者の負担も大きい問い合わせ対応。watsonx Assistantのチャット機能と、生成AI(watsonx.ai)や検索(Watson Discovery)を組み合わせたRAGアーキテクチャーで、様々な問い合わせにも正確に回答できるチャットボット・ソリューションを紹介します。
If your business needs a new application or an existing application needs to be modernized, then use watsonx Code Assistant. Built with IBM’s Granite code model, it’s AI designed to…
Things will go wrong for your customers. But you can make it right with watsonx Assistant. Built with IBM’s Granite models, it’s AI that can help resolve problems by understanding your…
The best AI assistant isn’t the one that knows the whole world. It’s the one that knows your world. Custom assistants, built on watsonx with IBM’s Granite models, can be trained to…
Scaling AI across your business can be hard. But, with watsonx, you can deploy AI across any environment. From clouds, to the edge, on prem and more. So you can take your business wherever it needs…
Scaling AI across your business can be hard. But, with watsonx, you can deploy AI across any environment. From clouds, to the edge, on prem and more. So you can take your business wherever it needs…
IBM and Microsoft have collaborated to bring IBM watsonx.governance to Microsoft Azure, combining the power of Red Hat OpenShift for seamless integration and management of AI models across various…
Listen to Adam Harvey, Associate Director, Ernst & Young LLP, discuss how watsonx is helping the company and their clients optimize recruiting and onboarding processes, while reducing downtimes. …
This short demo takes you through an overview of the capabilities of watsonx Code Assistant for Z. See how a developer can easily understand, refactor, transform, and validate the code with this…
In today’s fast-paced technology landscape, enterprises must embrace automation and generative AI to stay competitive. The 2.1 release of IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z introduces a highly…
Generating Ansible Playbook content from scratch can be a demanding task for content creators of any skill level. However, by combining generative AI and IT automation, automation teams can learn,…
IBMのAIアシスタント「IBM watsonx Orchestrate」について、その概要や特徴、メリットをQ&A形式でわかりやすく説明します。
This video showcases the capabilities of IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible, demonstrating how users can create and obtain explanation for Ansible Playbooks. To find out more, book a live…