LTI Mindtree, a large global system integrator, combines their skills and industry knowledge with IBM watsonx Orchestrate to create a digital assistant for the insurance industry. The assistant helps…
この動画では、IBMのAIアシスタント「IBM watsonx Orchestrate」をご紹介します。人事業務のデモを通じて、どのように効率的にタスクを自動化し、業務プロセスを最適化するかをご覧いただけます。AI技術を活用しどのように企業の生産性向上に貢献するのかをぜひご覧ください。
The best AI assistant isn’t the one that knows the whole world. It’s the one that knows your world. Custom assistants, built on watsonx with IBM’s Granite models, can be trained to…
IBMのAIアシスタント「IBM watsonx Orchestrate」について、その概要や特徴、メリットをQ&A形式でわかりやすく説明します。
How can you quickly build a conversational AI assistant powered by large language models (LLMs)? Watch this short demo to learn how “Ask Sales”, an AI assistant created with watsonx…
NTTデータ様との共創ソリューションをご紹介します。保険業界における従業員の生産性向上を目指し、AI活用による新たな協業をスタートしました。デジタル従業員は、IBM watsonx Orchestrateを基盤に、業界や個社の業務に特化した一連のプロセスを「スキル」としてアセット化し、NTTデータが作成・提供するソリューションです。保険業界だけでなく、さまざまな業界・業務に適用可能です。…
Watch the demo to discover how D&B Ask Procurement powered by IBM watsonx Orchestrate helps you accelerate the discovery and analysis of supplier risks and opportunities using AI. D&B Ask…
Explore how the AI Assistant Builder in watsonx Orchestrate enables you to design and deploy purpose-built assistants for automating work across domains in your business, like sales and marketing,…
Transform your procurement processes with automation and generative AI from the IBM industry-leading assistant technology, watsonx Orchestrate, and with procurement insights powered by Dun &…
This video showcases the builder features in watsonx Orchestrate. There are presented all main builder features and also emphasise the value to the experience of builders in watsonx Orchestrate.
Demo 3: Disambiguation and Digression
Demo 4: Deploy to website
Demo 2: Upload existing assistant, copy from one assistant to another, edit it to connect
Demo 1: Build action from scratch
watsonx OrchestrateならAIで日々の業務が自動化。仕事の生産性が向上します。
watsonx Orchestrateの詳細はこちら↓
🔗 https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/products/watsonx-orchestrate