Search for tag: "it automation"


2024年6月25日に開催された【Leadership Agenda 2024】でのかんぽシステムソリューションズ 一井様による講演動画。かんぽ生命保険がどのように可観測性を手に入れ、従来型の監視とは何が異なり、サービスレベル向上や他の副次的な効果を実現したかなど、具体的な事例をご紹介いただいています。

From  chq_master_librarians


2024年6月25日に開催された【Leadership Agenda 2024】での中部電力 喜多様による講演動画。中部電力のApptioを活用したIT投資とコスト管理基盤強化の取り組み、その効果についてご紹介いただいています。

From  chq_master_librarians

Webinar: Generate and Explain Full Ansible Playbooks with AI using watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed

Generating Ansible Playbook content from scratch can be a demanding task for content creators of any skill level. However, by combining generative AI and IT automation, automation teams can learn,…

From  chq_master_librarians


2024年6月25日に開催された【Leadership Agenda 2024】でのIBM Corporation IT Automation製品開発責任者であるMichael Kwokによる講演動画。IT Automationの製品ポートフォリオと、お客様をどのようにご支援できるかについて、ユースケースなども交えながら紹介しています。

From  chq_master_librarians

AIOps on IBM Z: Managing a Long Running Job

In this video we will gain insight into the application workload issue that is being managed by IBM Z Workload Scheduler, monitored by OMEGAMON and we will collaborate with subject matter experts…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

AIOps on IBM Z: Integrated Observability

In this video we simulate how AIOps for IBM Z solutions solve an issue originating in a mainframe subcomponent, impacting a hybrid business application. Learn more about AIOps on IBM Z…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

Reduce Z data archival and disaster recovery costs using Cloud Storage

Say goodbye to inefficient and expensive storage solutions and discover a whole new world of possibilities for managing your IBM Z data. Unlock the full potential of cloud storage to minimize…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

AIOps on IBM Z Act: IT automation

In this video we will highlight how the AIOps for IBM Z framework can help you address a wide variety of automation needs and use cases. Learn more about AIOps on IBM Z solutions at…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IT Automation grabs the spotlight

The numbers are in. See why executives are investing 59% of IT budgets on technologies related to intelligent automation.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM watsonx Code Assistant Product Demonstration

Code with confidence using natural language inputs with IBM watsonx Code Assistant.

From  chq_master_librarians

인시던트 관리는 더 이상 골치 아픈 문제가 아닙니다

IBM의 지원을 통해 강력한 AI를 활용하고, 노동 집약적인 프로세스를 자동화하며, 선제적으로 인시던트를 해결하고, DevSecOps 모델을 도입할 수 있습니다.데모 시청하기:등록하고 시작하기:…

From  chq_master_librarians


可帮助您充分利用人工智能的优势,将劳动密集型流程自动化,实现积极主动的事件解决方案,并引入 DevSecOps 集成模型。 观看演示:立即注册,开始使用:

From  chq_master_librarians

Innovation Conversation WebSphere and Liberty

John Greene, Director of IBM Cloud Platform product management, explains how IBM is innovating to drive application modernization, automation of operations and…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Insights Dashboard

Understand the business context and impact of an IT incident with the all new IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Insights Dashboard

From  chq_master_librarians

Understanding the complete power of AIOPs in your IT stack

Stephen Elliot, Group Vice President, I&O, Cloud Operations, and DevOps at IDC discusses how combining Application Resource Management with Application Performance Monitoring mitigates risk such…

From  chq_master_librarians

Forrester's Total Economic Impact of Turbonomic Application Resource Management results webinar

Get a look at “Forrester Total Economic Impact report for Turbonomic ARM” report with ROI findings and hear Carhartt share their experiences with Turbonomic.

From  chq_master_librarians