Search for tag: "devsecops"

3: Validate your work with ADDI - Day in the Life: mainframe Git workflow

When developers complete their code changes, it…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence (ADDI) Demo

IBM® Application Discovery and Delivery…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

DevSecOps demo for unified workloads (z & non-z) on IBM Cloud

End-to-end demo of the unified DevSecOps solution…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

What is Continuous Delivery?

Eric Minick with IBM Cloud explains what…

+8 More
From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

Using Buztool for Deployments with UrbanCode Deploy

This video explains how to use Buztool for…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy - Processing and Sharing Property Values

This video reviews passing property with…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Running a Generic Process in UrbanCode Deploy

This video describes running a generic process in…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Installation Server

This video demonstrates using the UrbanCode…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Installation Agent

This video demonstrates using the UrbanCode…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Overview

This video provides an overview of UrbanCode…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB



+3 More
From  chq_master_librarians

O gerenciamento de incidentes não precisa ser trabalhoso

A IBM ajuda você a aproveitar o poder da IA…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

Quickly creating a toolchain for z/OS with a CI pipeline

A toolchain is a set of tool integrations that…

+13 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Quantum-Safe Cryptography and ADDI

Quantum-Safe Cryptography and the ADDI Tool

+11 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

What are Microservices?

In this lightboarding explainer video, Dan…

+6 More
From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

Using Tekton and an Open Toolchain to deploy a containerized web application

This video is a continuation of the…

+6 More
From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF