Search for tag: "devsecops"

3: Validate your work with ADDI - Day in the Life: mainframe Git workflow

When developers complete their code changes, it is important to check for defects before merging them into the main code branch. With ADDI, developers can visually inspect dependencies, finding…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence (ADDI) Demo

IBM® Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence, also known as ADDI, provides current, consumable information about your mainframe software assets and resources, empowering you to plan and…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

DevSecOps demo for unified workloads (z & non-z) on IBM Cloud

End-to-end demo of the unified DevSecOps solution created by the ALM Deployable Architecture on IBM Cloud. Join or contact the team at

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

What is Continuous Delivery?

Eric Minick with IBM Cloud explains what continuous delivery is and how it’s used to push code to production through a continuous delivery pipeline.

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From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

Using Buztool for Deployments with UrbanCode Deploy

This video explains how to use Buztool for deployments with UrbanCode Deploy.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy - Processing and Sharing Property Values

This video reviews passing property with UrbanCode Deploy.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Running a Generic Process in UrbanCode Deploy

This video describes running a generic process in UrbanCode Deploy.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Installation Server

This video demonstrates using the UrbanCode Deploy Installation server.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Installation Agent

This video demonstrates using the UrbanCode Deploy Installation agent.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

UrbanCode Deploy Overview

This video provides an overview of UrbanCode Deploy.

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB


可帮助您充分利用人工智能的优势,将劳动密集型流程自动化,实现积极主动的事件解决方案,并引入 DevSecOps 集成模型。 观看演示:立即注册,开始使用:

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From  chq_master_librarians

O gerenciamento de incidentes não precisa ser trabalhoso

A IBM ajuda você a aproveitar o poder da IA para automatizar processos trabalhosos, resolver incidentes de forma proativa e adotar um modelo de DevSecOps integrado.Assista à…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

Quickly creating a toolchain for z/OS with a CI pipeline

A toolchain is a set of tool integrations that support development, deployment, and operations tasks. In this video, we describe how a DevOps engineer can create a Toolchain for the Continuous…

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Quantum-Safe Cryptography and ADDI

Quantum-Safe Cryptography and the ADDI Tool

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From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

What are Microservices?

In this lightboarding explainer video, Dan Bettinger gives a broad overview of microservices. By comparing microservices application architecture with the traditional type of monolithic…

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From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

Using Tekton and an Open Toolchain to deploy a containerized web application

This video is a continuation of the getting started with continuous integration and continuous delivery using Tekton and an Open Toolchain on IBM Cloud.

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From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF