Search for tag: "xaas"

What is XaaS?

You're probably familiar with terms like…

+4 More
From  chq_master_librarians November 27th, 2023

클라우드 전략에 LinuxONE이 꼭 필요한 이유 - 클라우드 네이티브

IBM LinuxONE을 사용하여 개발자는 클라우드용으로 특수 제작된 플랫폼에서 선호하는…

From  270007MK9V 270007MK9V September 24th, 2020

The cloud you want for enterprise agility

With IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE, your developers can…

+13 More
From  6630039O5E 6630039O5E March 2nd, 2020

The cloud you want with the privacy and security you need

In your journey to cloud, you need to avoid…

From  6630039O5E 6630039O5E March 2nd, 2020