Search for tag: "transparency"

IBM Granite: Transparency from the Start (30 seconds)

Do you know how your AI model was trained? IBM Granite models are built with transparency from the start, so you know what you’re working with. Start building at

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Granite: Transparency from the Start (15 seconds)

Do you know how your AI model was trained? IBM Granite models are built with transparency from the start, so you know what you’re working with. Start building at

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Think Tank - Data governance, transparency and sustainability

Eric Morrow, Managing Director, Data Science & AI at BMO emphazises on the need for organizations to prioritise data governance, transparency and sustainability.

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From  chq_master_librarians

Model monitoring with IBM watsonx.governance

Watch the demo to see how IBM watsonx.governance brings model monitoring capabilities to both generative AI and machine learning models, including performance metrics and more. Try today.

From  chq_master_librarians

Tracking and transparency with IBM watsonx.governance

IBM watsonx.governance is a one-stop automated toolkit built to govern both generative AI and machine learning (ML) models on the IBM watsonx platform. See how tracking and transparency works with…

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From  3100007WHH 3100007WHH

AI transparency with watsonx.governance

Watch the demo to see how you can use watsonx.governance to fuel transparent AI workloads. To learn more, visit

From  3100007WHH 3100007WHH

FSMA compliance feature overview - IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite

Learn how the IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite can help your organization manage and share the food traceability data that is required by the Food and Drug Administration's Food Safety…

From  50MW51VE9W 50MW51VE9W

Transparent Supply overview - IBM Supply Chain Intelligence Suite

Understand Transparent Supply features and how Transparent Supply can help your organization manage supply chain data.

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From  50MW51VE9W 50MW51VE9W

신뢰할 수 있는 AI란 ?

신뢰할 수 있는 AI란? 데이터에 대한 신뢰, 모델에 대한 신뢰, 프로세스에 대한 신뢰를 의미합니다. 귀사 요구에 따라 유연성 있게 모든 클라우드에서 가용한 통합 데이터 및 AI 플랫폼으로, 어떻게 IBM이 전 세계 다양한 조직에 신뢰할 수 있는 AI를 제공하고 있는지 동영상을 통해 확인해 보세요.대화식 스마트 보고서를 통해 어떻게 IBM이 전 세계…

From  chq_master_librarians

ELM: Following the Digital Thread

IBM ELM provides a unique graphic view of the inter-related dependencies across the development process helping ensure engineering teams are aligned throughout the development process.

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From  chq_master_librarians

ELM: Your single source of truth awaits

Eliminate uncertainty and ambiguity with IBM ELM. Leveraging a single source of truth enables engineering teams to all be aligned and in lockstep through the entire delivery process.

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From  chq_master_librarians

What is Trustworthy AI?

What is trustworthy AI? It means trust in your data, trust in your models and trust in your process. Watch the video to see how IBM brings trustworthy AI to organizations worldwide with its unified…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Test Audio - IBM Elevator Pitch Series EP1 - Supply Chain

Oficial Production Test Audio Unrestricted domain access No captions No thumbnail

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From  310002SA8H 310002SA8H

AI를 활용해 농촌 지역 의료 활동을 보강한 iKure 이야기

인도의 농촌 지역은 의사 1명이 6천명의 환자를 돌봐야 할 만큼 열악합니다. 데이터 분석과 AI가 적용되어 환자의 심각도에 따른 우선순위를 조정할 수 있는 시스템을 iKure이 IBM과 함께 구현했습니다. 의사를 대체하는 것이 아니라 의사가 올바른 판단을 내리도록 돕는다는 철학을 갖고 있는 iKure의 목표 달성을 위해 IBM의 AI 및 클라우드가 어떤…

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From  270007MK9V 270007MK9V

Vinturas: Redefining the automobile customer journey with IBM Blockchain

In Europe, it’s increasingly common for people to custom order cars from manufacturers, and customers are coming to expect an Amazon-like tracking ability for their new cars. Vinturas used the…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Mbanq embraces IBM Blockchain World Wire to transform cross-border payments and settlements

Mbanq, a digital banking SaaS platform provider, integrates IBM Blockchain Word Wire into its core. This helps banks, along with credit unions, remittance agencies, money changers and other financial…

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From  chq_master_librarians