IBM’s Ryan Hagemann and Bradley Tusk of Tusk Ventures explore how emerging technologies like crypto and blockchain can add value to economies and society.
IBM® Hyper Protect Offline Signing Orchestrator (Offline Signing Orchestrator for short) is a cold storage solution, which brokers communications between two different applications that are…
In this Fireside Chat, Forrester and IBM address the role of public and private blockchains may play in enterprise sustainability strategies, risk and regulatory implications, global supply chains…
The TradeLens eBL is a standard, industry-supported, end-to-end digital solution that provides shippers, cargo owners and freight-forwarders a streamlined and secure process for the issue, transfer…
Every day, around the world, millions of shipping containers in motion. An incredible achievement of logistics, coordination and communication. But legacy data systems and manual document handling…
Digital credentials on blockchain are enabling people and businesses to transact with each other in new and different ways. Blockchain’s public and private capabilities make it possible to…
Sustainability consultant, Mike Barry discusses the challenges retailers face with achieving a transparent supply chain in the quest to become more sustainable.
「TradeLens」は、海上物流を効率化し、データをリアルタイムかつ透明に扱うためのブロックチェーンベースのプラットフォームです。 詳細:https://www.ibm.com/jp-ja/blockchain/solutions/container-logistics
From paper to digital in the automotive industry. Do you know the journey your car traveled from factory to dealer? By implementing IBM’s blockchain technology, Vinturas designed a solution…
More than a great-tasting beer.We know exactly how this beer was produced and we are very proud of it! We are about to tell you everything, from how the first small organic-certified seed of malt…
Groupe Renault
entwickelte und ist wesentlicher Bestandteil des wachsenden Blockchain-Projekt
, um bei der Zertifizierung der Fahrzeugkonformität neue Maßstäbe zu setzen.
XCEED ist…
Groupe Renault,
araç uyumluluğunun belgelendirilmesini daha da ileriye taşımaya yönelik büyüyen
bir blok zinciri projesini geliştirdi ve bu projenin büyük bir…
Le Groupe Renault
est au cœur d'un projet blockchain en plein essor qui vise à aller plus loin
dans la certification de la conformité des véhicules. XCEED est un…
Groupe Renault ha
desarrollado y es parte esencial de un proyecto de blockchain en crecimiento
para dar un paso más en la certificación de conformidad de los vehículos.…
Learn how Groupe Renault, Simoldes, Faurecia, and Knauf are coming together to develop the XCEED (eXtended Compliance End-to-End Distributed) blockchain project to certify the compliance of all…
Authenticity, augmentation, and automation: the results of AI and Blockchain working together. Hear from IBM Fellow, CTO of AI Automation, and IBM Blockchain founder Jerry Cuomo and learn what AI +…