Search for tag: "resiliency services"

The Fallout

A failed and manual disaster recovery plan that could have been automated.

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From  chq_mkt_delegated

The Recovery

Recovery that took days could have been executed in minutes.

From  chq_mkt_delegated

The Outage

A perfect storm scenario that could have been predicted.

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From  chq_mkt_delegated

Moment of Truth

For a digitally dependent business, a small disruptive event can have a ripple effect on your entire business operations. Let’s look at these events that unfolded at MyShoppe.

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From  chq_mkt_delegated

Driving Hybrid Multicloud Resilience With Automation

This Forrester report studies how organizations integrate resilience into their hybrid multicloud strategies and how far they are in automating their backup and recovery workflows.

From  IBM_systems_support

Oncor: IBM 예측적 유지보수를 통한 송배전 서비스 중단 방지

Oncor는 송배전 유틸리티 회사입니다. 발전을 소유하지 않고, 전기를 판매하지 않는 유선 전문 회사이기 때문에, 정전을 통한 서비스 중단이 발생할 경우, 정확한 복구 시간과 위험 자산 가치를 평가할 수 있어야 합니다. IBM 예측 유지보수 서비스가 복구 시간의 예측 및 추정을 위한 최신의 데이터를 제공합니다.

From  270007MK9V 270007MK9V