Search for tag: "customer care"

Put AI to work in financial services to transform customer service

In financial services, interactions must be based on trust. One negative transaction or experience can lose a client. With gen AI, you can transform your contact center into a profit generator.

From  chq_master_librarians

O IBM Watson Assistant resolve os problemas do cliente na primeira vez

O IBM Watson Assistant é um assistente virtual alimentado por IA que fornece aos clientes respostas rápidas, consistentes e precisas em qualquer plataforma de mensagens, aplicativo,…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

Customer Care Overview

Customer Care Overview


Customer Care Success Story (Apendo & IBM)

Customer Care Success Story (Apendo & IBM)


IBM Watson Assistant resuelve los problemas de los clientes a la primera

IBM Watson Assistant es un asistente virtual impulsado por la IA que proporciona a los clientes respuestas rápidas, coherentes y precisas en cualquier plataforma de mensajería,…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

Watson Assistant 如何第一时间解决客户问题

IBM Watson Assistant 是一款人工智能驱动的虚拟代理,可为客户提供快速、一致和准确的答案,包括任何消息传递平台、应用程序、设备或渠道。Watson Assistant 使用 AI 和 NLP 从客户对话中学习,提高首次解决问题的能力,同时消除长时间等待、繁琐搜索和无益聊天机器人的挫折感。 …

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

IBM Watson Assistant solves customer problems the first time

IBM Watson Assistant is an AI-powered virtual agent that provides customers with fast, consistent and accurate answers across any messaging platform, application, device or channel. Using AI and NLP,…

From  CorpMkt-EiC-JY

eprimo : Using AI to augment the digital service experience for customers

Consumers leading a connected lifestyle expect instant service. If they don’t get it, they often switch to a competitor. This led eprimo GmbH, an energy discounter in Germany, to engage IBM…

From  chq_master_librarians