Search for tag: "ibm sterling"

Transferring inventory - IBM Sterling Store Engagement

Learn how you can use IBM Sterling Store Engagement to transfer inventory from one store to another store or a distribution center to replenish inventory, return defective products, and so on. You…

From  270004T8GY 270004T8GY

Product updates Q2 2021 - IBM Sterling Order Management

View this video to learn about the updates to IBM Sterling Order Management for Q2 2021. For more information, visit

From  270004T8GY 270004T8GY

Inventory Visibility Demo-Video

Ermöglicht eine minutengenaue Bestandsverfolgung und präzise Available-to-Promise-Daten, selbst in Unternehmen mit hohem Volumen und vielen…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

IBM 供应链利用人工智能实现实时可视性

IBM 首席供应链官 Ron Castro 分享了人工智能在系统和流程中的应用如何使 IBM 实现了实时、端到端的供应链可见性,并大大提高了该组织在预防和缓解中断方面进行协调的能力。阅读 IBM 供应链案例研究:

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

Sustainability as a business imperative: theCUBE at Think 2021

We’re doing business in an unpredictable world. Success requires new levels of resilience and agility, rooted in responsible practices that preserve our planet for future generations. Explore…

From  chq_master_librarians


IBM Sterling Supply Chain Insights借助watson,提供了整个供应链的可见性。利用人工智能摆脱供应链的可见性挑战。

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

Vidéo de démonstration d'Inventory Visibility

Mettez en place un suivi des stocks à la minute près et disposez de données précises sur les disponibilités, même dans les entreprises gérant de gros…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

IBM Sterling Order Management for B2B

IBM Sterling Order Management helps B2B organizations drive better customer experiences by increasing automation, reducing manual work, and operational agility and scalability to be more profitable. …

From  270006PUJ5 270006PUJ5

IBM Sterling B2B Collaboration 概述

IBM Sterling B2B Collaboration解决方案通过自动化手动流程、改善 B2B 关系中的信息流以及确保您的关键任务数据交换在企业和合作伙伴网络中始终处于、合规和可扩展状态,简化 B2B 网络并使其现代化。探索 B2B Collaboration 解决方案。

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

冯氏集团(Li&Fung )选择 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 实现标准化和节约成本

冯氏集团首席技术官Manny Fernandez选择 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 作为其所有集成的单一工具,以便实现自动化、标准化和节省成本。探索 IBM Sterling B2B Integrator 如何为您的业务提供动力。

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

IBM Sterling 订单管理和可视库存概述

实现客户期望的盈利性比看起来要困难得多。通过IBM Sterling Supply Chain应用程序,快速、灵活、响应迅速,为 B2B 和 B2C 商务提供库存和订单管理,以消除复杂性。Get more details in the demo.

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

Product updates Q1 2021 - IBM Sterling Order Management

View this video to learn about the updates to IBM Sterling Order Management for Q1 2021. For more information, visit

From  270004T8GY 270004T8GY

IBM Sterling Global Mailbox Audiogram

IBM Sterling Global Mailbox is a highly available B2B integration solution that enables always-on connectivity, providing greater resilience to protect against operational disruptions. It provides…

From  270006PUJ5 270006PUJ5

IBM Sterling Secure Proxy Audiogram

IBM Sterling Secure Proxy is a DMZ-based application software proxy, enabling secure and high-speed data movement over the Internet. Learn more.

From  chq_master_librarians

Overview - IBM Sterling Order Management on the next-generation platform

Learn about the features and enhancements that are available in IBM Sterling Order Management on the next-generation platform. For more information, see…

From  270004T8GY 270004T8GY

IBM Sterling B2B Collaboration

IBM Sterling B2B Collaboration solutions simplify and modernize B2B networks by automating manual processes, improving the information flow across your B2B relationships, and ensuring that your…

From  chq_master_librarians