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在这个短视频中,您将看到 IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite 中的气候风险解决方案如何帮助您更好地利用天气数据来预测气候事件并制定相关计划。

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Risco climático

Neste vídeo curto, você verá como a solução de risco climático do IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite ajuda a aproveitar melhor os dados…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: 기후 위험

이 간략한 동영상을 통해 IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite의 Climate Risk 솔루션이 제공하는 날씨 데이터를 활용하여 기후 이벤트를 예측 및 계획하는 데 도움이 되는 방법을 확인할 수 있습니다.

From  chq_master_librarians


このショートビデオでは、IBM Environmental Intelligence Suiteの気候リスク・ソリューションが、気象データをより有効に活用して気候事象を予測し、計画する仕組みについてご紹介します。

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Climate Risk

In questo breve video scoprirai come la soluzione Climate Risk di IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite può aiutarti a utilizzare al meglio i tuoi dati meteorologici per prevedere e pianificare…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS : Climate Risk

Cette brève vidéo vous explique l'aide que la solution Climate Risk d’IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite peut vous apporter pour mieux utiliser vos données…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Riesgo climático

En este breve vídeo, verá cómo la solución de riesgo climático de IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite le puede ayudar a hacer un mejor uso de sus datos…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Klimarisiko

In diesem kurzen Video erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Wetterdaten mit der Klimarisikolösung der IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite besser nutzen, um Wetterereignisse genauer vorherzusagen und…

From  chq_master_librarians

Vídeo de panorama geral do IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite

O IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite combina dados climáticos, meteorológicos e operacionais com o gerenciamento de desempenho ambiental em uma única solução.…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

EIS: Weather Data APIs

In this short video, you'll see how the Weather Data APIs solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for climate…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Vegetation Management

In this short video, you'll see how the Vegetation solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for climate events.

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Outage Prediction

In this short video, you'll see how the Outage Prediction solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for climate…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Geospatial Analytics

In this short video, you'll see how the Geospatial Analytics solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for climate…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Dashboards and Alerting

In this short video, you'll see how the Dashboards and Alerting solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for…

From  chq_master_librarians

EIS: Climate Risk

In this short video, you'll see how the Climate Risk solution from the IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite can help you better utilize your weather data to predict and plan for climate events.

From  chq_master_librarians

Environmental Intelligence Suite Overview Video

IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite combines weather, climate, and operational data and environmental performance management into a single solution. New features are helping companies anticipate and…

From  chq_master_librarians