Search for tag: "container"

Red Hat OpenShift AI on IBM Cloud- Deploy AI workloads

Enable AI capabilities with Red Hat Openshift on IBM Cloud! From now on, clients can use the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud to enable the flexible, scalable machine learning operations platform with…

From  chq_master_librarians

5 fundamental application data services needed for successful container deployments

Businesses want to gain the competitiveness and agility that container infrastructure and Kubernetes has to offer. In this video, Scott Baker explains the fundamental aspects of application data…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Cloud Code Engine: Run a container

Learn how to have your container image deployed, managed and auto-scaled for you.

From  chq_master_librarians

Installing IBM Z ChatOps with Container image

This video demos how to install IBM Z ChatOps with Container image. For more information, see

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

How to generate sosreport on a OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster node on IBM Power Systems

This video describes how to collect diagnostic data from the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) running on IBM Power Systems and how to send the gathered data to IBM. More complete…

From  2000002DE7 2000002DE7

zOS Academy - What's new in zOS Container Extensions (IBM zCX)

In this session, we will discuss latest new features of IBM z/OS Container Extensions (IBM zCX) and how you can leverage Linux on Z software to build a hybrid workload with your existing native z/OS…

From  Z Influencer Ecosystem

IBM Z and LinuxONE Container Registry Overview

Listen to Joe Bostian provide an overview of the IBM Z and LinuxONE Container Registry. Learn more here:

From  55000847AC 55000847AC

How did IBM build Code Engine?

Learn how IBM built Code Engine using a set of open source technologies such as Knative, Istio, Tekton, Paketo Buildpacks, and Shipwright so developers can run container images, source code, batch…

From  chq_master_librarians

zCX overview

This overview of z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) describes how you can use zCX to run Linux applications directly on z/OS, and shows some common use cases. Learn more here:…

From  55000847AC 55000847AC

Set up your Ansible control node for getting started with Ansible for IBM Z

This video demonstrates how to set up your Red Hat Ansible control node for getting started automating processes for IBM Z with Ansible. The resources mentioned can be found at the following links:…

From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

「失敗しない」クラウド活用のDXシリーズ#4 クラウドネイティブ時代の新しいシステム開発

クラウドネイティブ技術は、パブリッククラウド、プライベートクラウド、ハイブリッドクラウドなどの環境において、スケーラブルなアプリケーションを構築および実⾏するための能⼒を組織にもたらします。このビデオはクラウドネイティブ開発の方法をご紹介します。 詳細はこちら:

From  060001F8B7 060001F8B7

「失敗しない」クラウド活用のDXシリーズ#3  コンテナ化アセスメント

DX時代を勝ち残るには、新しい機能をいち早く市場へ投入し、拡大・推進していくことが必要です。一方で、既存IT資産や保守要員の確保など2025年の壁が迫っています。変化への対応を実現する手段の一つがコンテナ技術です。このビデオではコンテナ化着手のポイントや投資対効果などについてお話しします。 …

From  060001F8B7 060001F8B7

Ansible & UCD: Better Together for IBM Z

UrbanCode and Ansible – Better Together for IBM Z This video focuses on how this is true for IBM Z, not just for distributed systems. Join our group of experts to learn how UrbanCode and…

From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

IBM Spectrum Protect Plus OpenShift Backup & Restore for Resources & Persistent Data - Demo

The demo environment uses Red Hat operator OpenShift Container Storage (OCS), Community operator OpenShift APIs for Data Protection (OADP), IBM operator SPP server, and IBM Container Backup Support…

From  120000CCMK 120000CCMK

FlashSystem Replication to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)

In this Glassboard and Live demo video we will see a high level as well as a deep dive showing how IBM FlashSystem arrays can replicate to Amazon Web Services (AWS) using SV4PC, with OpenShift…

From  2700070HPT 2700070HPT

Open Source Consulting

Learn how IBM Open Source Consulting services help enterprises design and build reliable and manageable Open Source-based solutions.

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y