Search for tag: "z/os"
(Test Video for Entitled Channel 1) IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS UpdatesView the latest features and product updates from IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS |
IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.7 UpdatesView the latest features and product updates from IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.7 |
IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.6 UpdatesView the latest features and product updates from IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.6 |
IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.5 UpdatesView the latest features and product updates from IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.5 |
IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.1 UpdatesView the latest features and product updates from IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS 2024.1 |
Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF) OptimizationThe Cross System Coupling Facility (XCF) component of z/OS plays a fundamental role in a Parallel Sysplex, but it also burns a lot of MIPS and generates a lot the Coupling Facility (CF) traffic that… |
High Connect Time for zOS DiskThis video shows an example of how IntelliMagic Vision can help you respond to performance issues caused by software changes. The embedded expertise in the dashboard highlights that there had been a… |
How can I tell if my back end drives are overloaded?Modern z/OS installations can be complex with many potential bottlenecks. This case study shows how IntelliMagic Vision may be used to easily find the root cause of a z/OS performance issue related… |
Intelligent Analysis of TCP/IP zERT Summary DataTCP/IP’s z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology (zERT) feature provides a single source of data to determine which traffic to and from your site is cryptographically protected by protocols like… |
z/OS Subsystem Topology ViewerIntelliMagic Vision 12.10.0 introduces an interactive z/OS Subsystem Topology Viewer for performance analysts to visualize and interact with subsystem connections directly. |
IBM z/OS Change Tracker- Compare Resources enhancementLearn about z/OS Change Tracker's new ability to visually compare data sets and volumes against one another via the z/OSMF interface. Create a customized comparison and view the summary results,… |
z/OS Logger Reports for IMS Shared Queues, Part 4This video describes other z/OS Logger reports such as Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) Workload report and the coupling facility report. |
z/OS Logger Reports for IMS Shared Queues, Part 3This video describes the z/OS reports associated with z/OS Logger performance. |
z/OS Logger Reports for IMS Shared Queues, Part 2This video looks at how you define the logger structures in the CRFM policy. |
z/OS Logger Reports for IMS Shared Queues, Part 1This video provides an overview of z/OS Logger support for the IMS shared queues facility and then an explanation associated with z/OS based reports on Logger performance. |
Video 3: Day in the life of a mainframe developer using Git workflow: Validate your work with ADDIWhen developers complete their code changes, it is important to check for defects before merging them into the main code branch. With ADDI, developers can visually inspect dependencies, finding… |