Search for tag: "z16"

3: Validate your work with ADDI - Day in the Life: mainframe Git workflow

When developers complete their code changes, it is important to check for defects before merging them into the main code branch. With ADDI, developers can visually inspect dependencies, finding…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

IBM z16: Built to build the future of business

Announced in April 2022, IBM z16™ introduced breakthrough technologies such as real-time AI inferencing at scale and quantum-safe cryptography.Now one year later, IBM is announcing new members…

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From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

IBM Z System Automation – Temporary Capacity Management using Processor Operations

IBM Z System Automation, which is a core product in the AIOps for IBM zSystems portfolio, is the premier high availability and automated operations solution for IBM zSystems servers. It helps to…

+16 More
From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM z16: Built to build the future of business

On April 4, IBM announced new rack mount and single frame configurations of IBM z16. Watch the event replay to hear from a community of clients, partners, technical experts and IBM leaders to learn…

+5 More
From  chq_master_librarians

TensorFlow on IBM Integrated Accelerator for AI Video

IBM Telum features a dedicated on-chip AI Accelerator focused on delivering high-speed, real-time inferencing at scale. Learn how you can use this on-chip AI Accelerator with TensorFlow to create…

+13 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

Optimizing for Sustainability with IBM z16

See how migrating an application from x86 to IBM z16 results in substantial sustainability benefits. Various tools and dashboards offer a proof of concept for visualizing these results.

From  110000NWKU 110000NWKU

Présentation d'IBM z16 : que disent les spécialistes

Dans cette vidéo, des spécialistes IBM partagent leur expérience et leurs réflexions sur la toute nouvelle plateforme IBM z16. Pour en savoir plus, visitez la page :…

+3 More
From  chq_master_librarians

IBM z16 installation & power planning- Before your system arrives (Part 3 of 3)

In this three-part series, we cover the basics of electrical and power planning for your IBM z16 system installation. Part three covers the steps necessary to prepare your environment before your…

+6 More
From  110000NWKU 110000NWKU

IBM z16 installation & power planning- Pre-sale considerations (Part 2 of 3)

In this three-part series, we cover the basics of electrical and power planning for your IBM z16 system installation. Part two highlights the important configuration planning that must be done ahead…

+6 More
From  110000NWKU 110000NWKU

IBM z16 installation & power planning - Getting started (Part 1 of 3)

In this three-part series, we cover the basics of electrical and power planning for your IBM z16 system installation. Part one highlights the factors that must be considered with your facilities…

+6 More
From  110000NWKU 110000NWKU

IBM Z System Recovery Boost Overview and Recent Enhancements

System Recovery Boost provides capabilities to reduce the time it takes to shut down and restart (IPL) a system, and to provide short-term acceleration for specific system and sysplex recovery and…

From  110000NWKU 110000NWKU

为构建而生:IBM z16

全新的 IBM z16™ 平台使用创新单芯片 AI 推理和行业首创的量子安全技术,为企业混合云赋予 AI 技术和网络弹性。 随着混合云的发展,实现现代化的风险逐渐降低,而它是所有数字化转型中不可或缺的平台。 加快决策速度并获得推动业务发展的敏捷性

+4 More
From  chq_master_librarians

IBM z16 Launch Event

See what's new in IBM z16 and what it means for your hybrid cloud journey. Learn how to transform your engine for innovation and agility at scale. You’ll hear from: - Ross Mauri,…

+4 More
From  chq_master_librarians

IBM z16の特長をエキスパートが説明 [ サイバー・レジリエンシー 編 ]

IBM z16は、オンチップによる革新的なAI推論と業界初の耐量子技術を用いて、お客様のハイブリッドクラウド環境にAIとサイバー・レジリエンシーを提供します。ハイブリッドクラウドは、あらゆるデジタル・トランスフォーメーションに不可欠なプラットフォームとなっています。意思決定のスピードを加速させるとともに、ビジネスを前進させる俊敏性を実現します。 IBM z16の最新機能を…

+6 More
From  chq_master_librarians

Wir stellen IBM z16 vor: Cyber-Resilienz

In diesem Video erörtern Anne Dames, Distinguished Engineer von IBM Z Cryptographic Technology Development, und Kelly Pushong, Principal Product Manager von IBM Z, die Herausforderungen, mit…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Presentación de IBM z16: Ciberresiliencia

En este vídeo, Anne Dames, ingeniera distinguida de IBM Z Cryptographic Technology Development, y Kelly Pushong, directora de producto principal de IBM Z, analizan los desafíos a los…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y