Football animation created by Blue Studio and Buck. Formatted for leadspace only.
Behind the heritage of Wimbledon there is an undercurrent of innovation. IBM transforms the data captured into a world class digital experience. Generative AI brings new features which ensure tennis…
Every player has a story. Unlock the ones that matter most to you with IBM and watsonx
Every player has a story. Unlock the ones that matter most to you with IBM and watsonx.
Behind the heritage of Wimbledon there is an undercurrent of innovation. IBM transforms the data captured into a world class digital experience. Generative AI brings new features which ensure tennis…
IBM has been the Official Technology partner for Wimbledon since 1990. IBM collects thousands of data points to bring fans closer to the action through personalized player stories, using watsonx.
IBM works with the Masters to design, develop, and deliver the digital experiences found in the Masters app and website. This year, IBM Consulting is using generative AI models developed with IBM…
Drone footage of the Masters golf course, 1580x480, for leadspace background only.
Drone footage of the Masters golf course, 1580x480, for leadspace background only.
Drone footage of the Masters golf course, 1920x1080, for leadspace background only.
The Masters digital infrastructure runs workloads across multiple clouds from multiple vendors. This “hybrid by design” architecture—enabled by Red Hat OpenShift—increases…
IBM uses watsonx to manage the entire lifecycle of generative AI models that instantly reveal the risks and rewards for every shot on every hole at the Masters. The moment a shot comes to rest, the…
3D-style short video created by Blue Studio in collaboration with Buck. Black background with gold lights, evoking a stage.
The power of Generative AI in Large Language Models (LLM) is already a
daily tool for writing and summarizing. The future of AI and multimedia
will combine data from audio, video and other…
Leadspace video for the 2024 GRAMMYs Awards page. Use restricted to the 2024 GRAMMYs Award page.