Search for tag: "space"
Dow Chemical TRIRIGA Client VideoTRIRIGA client DOW Chemical - Frank Kayden, Director Global Real Estate Portfolio Planning Dow Chemical - discussing the value they have realized with using IBM TRIRIGA |
TRIRIGA Space Planning/ManagementView how easy it is to plan and manage your office space to optimize productivity and occupancy: |
Unit 1, Section 5: IMS and z/OS: The Address Space ConceptThis video provides an overview of z/OS address space and how IMS uses address spaces. |
Космос и ИТ.Интервью с А.Мисуркиным, Героем Российской Федерации, летчиком-космонавтом, организатором и ведущим научно-популярного проекта"Космос не ждет" |
IBM Edge Computing helps NASA analyze DNA in SpaceNaeem Altaf, IBM’s Space Tech CTO, explains an edge computing project he’s leading with NASA to help analyze DNA onboard the International Space Station. This project is helping to… |
Apollo 11 50th anniversary: Round Rock GangFifty years ago, more than 4,000 IBMers worked alongside NASA on Apollo 11 mission. |
(80-074) Apollo-Saturn - TV Commercial (1965)How IBM technology is being used to aid NASA’s Saturn program, with the ultimate goal of a lunar landing. Demonstration of how IBM computers are tested prior to their introduction into… |