Search for tag: "self-service"

IBM TLS: Transforming the customer support experience with AI

IBM Technology Lifecycle Services provides world-class IT support, services and insights for multivendor data center environments—including servers, storage, networking, security and…

From  chq_master_librarians

借助 IBM Cloud Pak for Data 构建data fabric

了解更多借助 data fabric 让来自各种不同来源的数据构建为可治理且可自助式使用的数据。。访问

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From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

Building a data fabric with IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Learn more about establishing self-serve, governed data from a variety of disparate sources with a data fabric. Visit to learn more.

From  310000KJBT 310000KJBT

IBM Watson Chatbot

By using the power of Watson solutions, we are transforming your support experience. Watson Chatbot provides a self-service option in an engaging chat experience.

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From  550005NGVW 550005NGVW

IBM Support with Watson

IBM is enhancing your experience with an improved self-service support platform that is illuminated by Watson.

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From  550005NGVW 550005NGVW