Search for tag: "modernize"

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud: Create a cluster

Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud empowers…

+14 More
From  chq_master_librarians

0: Intro - Day in the Life: mainframe Git workflow

The move from a legacy SCM on Z to Git and Git…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Create and Modernize Applications with DevOps envisioned for Hybrid Cloud

This session will focus on how clients can…

+8 More
From  Z Influencer Ecosystem

Using Python® AI Toolkit for IBM® z/OS® to leverage open source with IBM supply chain security

Let how to accelerate your AI journey on IBM Z…

+6 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

Modernize business-critical applications with compilers and programming languages

The latest compiler and language portfolio on IBM…

+8 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

Bridging the gap: COBOL – Java. Take it to the next level with Python, Go and Node.js.

Enable your organizations to bridge the gap…

+7 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

Modernisation on IBM Power

This video is a must-watch for anyone interested…

From  666000JU2J 666000JU2J

Modernized Insurance Application with HATS

This video shows an example of how IBM Host…

+7 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

IBM AIOps Insights for faster incident management

The old “break-fix” strategy…

+5 More
From  chq_master_librarians

COBOL/Java Interoperability Overview

Visit the new COBOL-Java interoperability portal…

+9 More
From  55000AJF1R 55000AJF1R

Cloud developers extend the value of mainframe applications and data with APIs

IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack helps you to…

From  270005DUQB 270005DUQB

IBM z16: Built to build the future of business

On April 4, IBM announced new rack mount and…

+5 More
From  chq_master_librarians

Introduction to IBM z/OS Connect

Welcome to IBM® z/OS® Connect, a simple…

From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation – or RPA –…

+6 More
From  100000S3WV 100000S3WV


开放能为您带来什么?了解 IBM 和 Red Hat 共同打造的开放混合云方法如何让您从IT…

+6 More
From  chq_master_librarians

개방형 하이브리드 클라우드 접근방식

개방형 시스템은 비즈니스에 어떤 도움이 될까요? IBM 및 Red Hat과 함께하는…

+7 More
From  chq_master_librarians