Search for tag: "mayflower"

Mayflower Episode 8

The final chapter of Mayflower crossing the Atlantic.

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From  chq_master_librarians

Mayflower Episode 6: Rocky Waters

This is it: the Mayflower crossing the Atlantic. But what happens when you’ve done everything right but things still go wrong?

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From  55000286JR 55000286JR

IA e automação fazem funcionar o navio autônomo Mayflower

A embarcação sem tripulação navega autonomante os oceanos de uma forma segura graças ao capitão IA desenvolvido por IBM

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From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

IA y automatización hacen funcionar la nave autonóma Mayflower

La embarcación sin tripulación navega autónomamente los oceanos de forma segura gracias a su capitán IA desarrollado por IBM.

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From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

How AI-powered Automation is used in the Mayflower Autonomous Ship

Listen to Don Scott, CTO of Marine Ai, a partner of IBM and the ship owner, ProMare, talk about how IBM AI-Powered Automation might help transform not only shipping and marine research, but also…

From  CorpMkt-EiC-JY

How Can Other Industries Benefit From Using the Mayflower's AI-powered Automation

Listen to Don Scott, CTO of Marine Ai, a partner of IBM and the ship owner, ProMare, talk about how IBM AI-Powered Automation might help transform not only shipping and marine research, but also…

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From  CorpMkt-EiC-JY

Episode 5: Shore in Sight

The AI Captain has been trained and sea trials are underway, but the MAS team is feeling the pressure before the ship's journey.

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From  50F6VG4CCM 50F6VG4CCM

Mayflower + IBM Automation を搭載した AI

IBM Automation を搭載した AI キャプテンにより、無人船は海を自動で航行し、24 時間年中無休で安全に航行し、海洋の健康状態と気候に関するリアルタイム データを収集します。 詳細はこちら:

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From  060001F8B7 060001F8B7

Teaser Trailer Episode 5: Shore in Sight

A teaser trailer for the IBM-produced documentary series, “Episode 5: Shore in Sight” about the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project

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From  50F6VG4CCM 50F6VG4CCM

AI and automation power the Mayflower Autonomous Ship

With its AI Captain powered by IBM Automation, the crewless ship will self-navigate across oceans, safely run 24/7, and collect real-time data on ocean health and climate. Learn more about…

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From  507NXHVS54 507NXHVS54

Mayflower Episode 4: From Ashore to Afloat

Witness the sea trials in Plymouth as the Mayflower Autonomous Ship faces ocean conditions for the first time.

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From  50F6VG4CCM 50F6VG4CCM

IBM Mayflower

A teaser trailer for the IBM-produced documentary series, “Episode 3: All Hands on Deck” about the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project.

From  chq_master_librarians

Episode 2: Captain’s Log

Join us as we explore how it was conceptualized to use all available data sources to sense, think and make decisions at sea – even with limited connectivity. Take a closer look at the AI…

From  chq_master_librarians

Episode 1: Request Permission to Come Aboard

Learn about the origin of the Mayflower Autonomous Ship, get an inside look into how the ship was developed, and discover what autonomous exploration means for marine research and national security…

From  chq_master_librarians