Search for tag: "ibm sustainability"

IBM Sustainability Accelerator - Resilient Cities

IBM is now accepting proposals for AI technology projects supporting more resilient cities. Nonprofit and governmental organizations can apply for the 2-year pro bono program offering IBM technology,…

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

How Indigenous perspectives can guide climate innovation for a just transition: IBM teams up with Net Zero Atlantic in Canada

To support a just transition, IBM® joined forces with nonprofit Net Zero Atlantic through the IBM Sustainability Accelerator to help enable informed climate decision-making and empower…

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

IBM Sustainability Accelerator: Collaborating for Impact in Water Management

IBM is furthering its commitment to sustainable innovation with projects focused on water management solutions as part of its global social impact program, the IBM Sustainability Accelerator. The…

From  550003CSN5 550003CSN5

Accelerating sustainable agriculture with the IBM Sustainability Accelerator

IBM invites nonprofit, and government initiatives focused on water management to apply to the water RFP through the end of May 2023 at this link: In 2022, IBM launched…

From  Corporate_Social_Responsibility

IBM Sustainability Accelerator and Aquality App on World Water Week 2023: AI and Design to Democratize Water Quality Monitoring

Evelina Pärnerud (Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, IBM), Soledad Piñero Misa (Part of More), Toon Segeren (Deltares) and Flemming Gertz (SEGES Innovation) chat about the…

From  Corporate_Social_Responsibility

What is LinuxONE?

IBM LinuxONE - your open-source platform for big ideas with a small footprint.

From  chq_master_librarians

How Plan21 Foundation and IBM Are Empowering Farmers in Latin America

As one of the first participants in the IBM Sustainability Accelerator pro-bono social impact program, Plan21 Foundation for Sustainable Human Development is helping smallholder farmers in Latin…

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

Clean Energy Cohort - IBM Sustainability Accelerator

Clean Energy Cohort - IBM Sustainability Accelerator

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

IBM Sustainability Accelerator

Learn more about the IBM Sustainability Accelerator here: IBM announced the launch of the IBM Sustainability Accelerator, a pro…

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

Explication de la planification stratégique - Planification de la durabilité

Découvrez comment IBM Planning Analytics peut aider votre organisation à mieux gérer et rendre opérationnelles ses initiatives en reporting, planification et simulation…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Planning Analytics: funziona così - Pianificare la sostenibilità

IBM Planning Analytics consente alla tua organizzazione di gestire meglio e rendere operativi il reporting, la pianificazione e le iniziative di simulazione in materia di sostenibilità.…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Planning Analytics kurz erklärt – Nachhaltigkeitsplanung

Erfahren Sie, wie IBM Planning Analytics Ihr Unternehmen zum Ziel einer verbesserten Steuerung und Operationalisierung Ihrer Berichterstellung, Planungen und Simulationen beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Explicación de Planning Analytics: planificamos la sostenibilidad

Descubra cómo IBM Planning Analytics puede ayudar a su organización a gestionar mejor y poner en práctica los informes de sostenibilidad, la planificación y las…

From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Apresentando o IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4

Escalabilidade. Resiliência. Eficiência. Vamos criar um futuro sustentável juntos. Execute cargas de trabalho de centenas de núcleos x86 usando até 75% menos energia.…

From  chq_master_librarians

Introducing IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4

Scalability. Resiliency. Efficiency. Let’s create a sustainable future together. Run workloads of hundreds of x86 cores using up to 75% less energy. IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4.

From  chq_master_librarians

La sostenibilidad: imperativo empresarial. Convierta sus objetivos en oportunidades

Todo el mundo habla de sostenibilidad. Los clientes lo exigen, y los empleados e inversores quieren ver resultados. Un estudio de IBM muestra que el 86% de las empresas tiene una estrategia de…