Search for tag: "eam"

IBM Maximo Mobile

IBM Maximo Mobile connects your field technicians to the back office, it delivers on-the-go access to work orders and helps determine and reserve the best tools and materials to increase first…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM® Maximo: gestión de mantenimiento con tableros preestablecidos

Con IBM® Maximo Application Suite, los equipos de mantenimiento pueden centrarse en las actividades más importantes y ayudar a evitar fallas futuras. En esta breve demo, usted puede ver…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo: gestão da manutenção com dashboards pré-configurados

Com o IBM Maximo Application Suite, as equipes de manutenção podem manter o foco nas atividades mais importantes e evitar futuras falhas. Nesta breve demo, você poderá…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo: 사전 설정된 대시보드를 통한 유지보수 관리

IBM Maximo Application Suite를 통해 유지보수 팀은 가장 중요한 활동에 집중하고 향후 장애를 예방할 수 있습니다. 이 짧은 데모에서는 철도 산업 부문의 유지보수 관리자가 사전 설정된 역할 기반 대시보드에서 승인 대기 중인 작업 주문 또는 기한이 경과한 비상 작업과 같은 필수 KPI를 바탕으로 팀의 활동을 손쉽게 계획하는 방법을 확인할…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo: standardizing procedural inspections

Standardizing your asset inspections can too easily become subjective, leading to wasted time and money. But IBM Maximo Mobile app can help deliver consistent procedural inspections across your…

From  550002UKNB 550002UKNB

IBM Maximo Mobile: how field technicians can manage any asset from anywhere

The Mobile EAM capabilities of IBM Maximo Application Suite empower field technicians to manage any asset – at any time and from any place. Watch the video to see how a field technician in…

From  550002UKNB 550002UKNB

IBM Maximo: maintenance management with preset dashboards

With IBM Maximo Application Suite, maintenance teams can concentrate on the activities that matter most and help prevent future failures. In this short demo, you can see how a maintenance manager in…

From  chq_master_librarians

Maximo MVI 데모 비디오

제품 데모: Maximo의 간편한 인공지능 기능이 이상을 감지하고 프로덕션 효율성을 개선하는 방식의 개요를 설명합니다.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo 视觉检测

您的企业需要智能眼睛 24/7全天候检测生产线上的缺陷? 利用 Maximo Visual Inspection 让小问题成为大宕机之前阻止它们!

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo Visual Inspection

Pare pequenos problemas antes que eles se tornem grandes interrupções com o Maximo Visual Inspection. Os olhos inteligentes que sua empresa precisa para detectar erros e defeitos 24…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

借助 IBM Maximo Application Suite驾驭混乱

生活充满挑战,但是您的设备资产运营没有混乱的余地。借助智能的现代化设备资产管理方案 IBM Maximo Application Suite 市场领先的企业资产管理 (EAM) 和资产绩效管理 (APM) 解决方案,您将从资产中获得更多价值——所有这些都在一个平台上。

From  chq_master_librarians

Maximo Visual Inspection

Stop small issues before they become major outages with Maximo Visual Inspection (MVI). The intelligent eyes your business needs to detect errors and defects 24/7. Explore MVI's capabilities in…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo Visual Inspection

Stop small issues before they become major outages with Maximo Visual Inspection. The intelligent eyes your business needs to detect errors and defects 24/7. Sign up for the MVI self-guided demo…

From  chq_master_librarians

Bruce Power: How unlocking the value of data can optimize nuclear power generation

A nuclear power utility in Canada gains capabilities to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of its operations when it engages IBM to replace a heritage system with the IBM Maximo for…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo Monitor

IBM Maximo Monitor aggregates operating state data and process parameters across legacy systems, historians, IoT sensors, and other repositories to provide enterprise-wide visibility into…

From  chq_master_librarians

Atkins Global uses IBM Maximo to improve service delivery in Norway municipalities

Learn more about IBM #Maximo for Civil #Infrastructure here: If you moved all of the inhabitants out of a city, what would you have left? People are the most important…

From  chq_master_librarians