Simulate any date and time– – past, present, or future – from past, present, or future, for testing the time-sensitive z/OS® applications.
IBM Instana Business Monitoring extends observability to business processes to provide real-time business context for IT. The solution adds critical context that bridges the gap between business and…
Découvrez comment vendre DevOps et notre solution DevOps Automation aux organisations, grandes et petites.
Learn how to sell our DevOps to organizations large and small.
Software delivery teams want to be acknowledged for their innovations and the quality of their deliverables.
Developers demand faster change and adoption of automation so software delivery is more frequent.
Businesses look to reduce their impact of their software delivery process on the environment.
Efficiency blockers limit innovation and response to changing business needs.
Data insights and analysis from each delivery stage help address inefficiencies.
Developers want to deliver great software - faster. 'Automation' (https://www.ibm.com/devops-automation) helps them achieve their goals.
Explore the benefits of automating the DevOps processes across your organization with IBM 'DevOps Automation' (https://www.ibm.com/devops-automation).