Search for tag: "automate"
Assessing MQ Log Manager HealthAutomated assessments of key MQ Log Manager metrics facilitate proactive analysis and prevention of outages by identifying areas that may warrant investigation. |
Let's rethink customer serviceIf you designed your customer service experience for a new company, what would you automate to make it better? Find out in this expert video. |
What is IBM DevOps Automation?Explore the benefits of automating the DevOps processes across your organization with IBM 'DevOps Automation' ( |
Certificate management automation with Ansible for z/OSCertificate management automation for z/OS has been a very popular use case clients have been interested in exploring with Red Hat Ansible. In this video, you will hear why clients are interested in… |
WebSphere Automation patch deployment demoExperience how WebSphere Automation's newest capability, patch deployment, will enable operations teams to act quickly and provide proactive CVE protection |
Let’s create → 自律的に運用を最適化するシステムを。IBMとともに、業務の自動化を進めませんか。アプリケーションのパフォーマンスを監視し、ユーザーのブラウザからサービスやインフラストラクチャー層まで、エンド・ツー・エンドの可視性を手に入れましょう。 IBM、IBMロゴ、およびibm.comは、世界の多くの国で登録されたInternational Business Machines… |
ING와 함께하는 하이브리드 클라우드 데이터 패브릭 비전데이터 패브릭은 하이브리드 클라우드 데이터 환경에서 데이터 발견, 데이터 거버넌스 및 데이터 소비를 초자동화하는 새로운 방법입니다. ING가 데이터 패브릭을 구현한 방법, 그리고 어떻게 IBM Cloud Pak for Data가 데이터 및 AI 여정 전반에 걸쳐 팀을 지원하는지 확인하세요. |
Comment les DSI bénéficient de l'automatisation des réclamations d'assurance avec IBM Cloud® PaksRencontrez Theresa, DSI d'une compagnie d'assurance automobile inondée de systèmes hérités. Découvrez comment elle utilise IBM Cloud Paks pour moderniser… |
Wie CIOs von der Automatisierung von Versicherungsansprüchen mit IBM Cloud® Paks profitierenLernen Sie Theresa kennen, einen CIO einer Autoversicherungsgesellschaft, die von Altsystemen überschwemmt wird. Erfahren Sie, wie sie IBM Cloud Paks nutzt, um den Betrieb zu modernisieren und… |
In che modo i CIO traggono vantaggio dall'automazione dei sinistri assicurativi con IBM Cloud® PaksIncontra Theresa, un CIO di una compagnia di assicurazioni auto inondata da sistemi legacy. Scopri come utilizza IBM Cloud Paks per modernizzare le operazioni e automatizzare i reclami assicurativi… |
Cómo los CIO se benefician de la automatización de reclamaciones de seguros con IBM Cloud® PaksConozca a Theresa, CIO de una compañía de seguros de automóviles inundada por sistemas heredados. Vea cómo utiliza IBM Cloud Paks para modernizar las operaciones y… |
Set up your Ansible control node for getting started with Ansible for IBM ZThis video demonstrates how to set up your Red Hat Ansible control node for getting started automating processes for IBM Z with Ansible. The resources mentioned can be found at the following links:… |
What are IBM Cloud Paks?IBM believes that a cloud strategy is key to digital transformation. And that AI can accelerate innovation and drive transformation. IBM Cloud Paks bring you the best of IBM's software…
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
Ansible & UCD: Better Together for IBM ZUrbanCode and Ansible – Better Together for IBM Z This video focuses on how this is true for IBM Z, not just for distributed systems. Join our group of experts to learn how UrbanCode and… |