QRadar EDR features Cyber Assistant, an AI-powered alert management system that helps ease analyst workloads by reducing the number of false positives by 90% on average. See how Cyber Assistant…
The final chapter of Mayflower crossing the Atlantic.
This is it: the Mayflower crossing the Atlantic. But what happens when you’ve done everything right but things still go wrong?
Erfahren Sie, wie künstliche Intelligenz Geschäftsinnovationen wie autonome Fahrzeuge in der Landwirtschaft vorantreibt und welche Abhängigkeiten bei der Verbindung riesiger…
Découvrez comment l'intelligence artificielle stimule les innovations commerciales telles que les véhicules autonomes dans l'agriculture, et les dépendances de la…
Explore cómo la inteligencia artificial está impulsando las innovaciones comerciales, como los vehículos autónomos en la agricultura, y las dependencias de conectar…
由强大的数据基础为 AI 提供动力的自动驾驶车辆。要了解有关如何成功部署 AI 的更多信息,请访问 AI 训练场:https://www.ibm.com/about/deploy-ai-at-scale
Discover how AI fueled by a robust data foundation powers autonomous vehicles. To learn more about how to successfully deploy AI, visit the AI Training Ground:…
Explore how artificial intelligence is driving business innovations like autonomous vehicles in agriculture, and the dependencies of connecting vast volumes of data needed to make it…
A embarcação sem tripulação navega autonomante os oceanos de uma forma segura graças ao capitão IA desenvolvido por IBM
La embarcación sin tripulación navega autónomamente los oceanos de forma segura gracias a su capitán IA desarrollado por IBM.
The Mayflower Autonomous Ship is a first-of-its-kind autonomous ship using IBM intelligent automation, operational decision-making, edge computing, and AI-powered remote monitoring technologies that…
Listen to Don Scott, CTO of Marine Ai, a partner of IBM and the ship owner, ProMare, talk about how IBM AI-Powered Automation might help transform not only shipping and marine research, but also…
The AI Captain has been trained and sea trials are underway, but the MAS team is feeling the pressure before the ship's journey.
A teaser trailer for the IBM-produced documentary series,
“Episode 5: Shore in Sight” about the Mayflower Autonomous Ship project
With its AI Captain powered by IBM Automation, the crewless ship will self-navigate across oceans, safely run 24/7, and collect real-time data on ocean health and climate. Learn more about…