Emptoris Sourcing

Emptoris Sourcing

Sourcing RFx - Weight Calculations
They were created for your use both while you are viewing these videos and when you are working with the software on the job.  One provides details on the wizard screens encountered while you create an auction.  Another is a decision table to help you sort out some of the RA Bidding Rules decisions you will need to make.  You should not make changes to this decision table.

Another two downloadables deal with the RFP series.  The last is an excellent description of a Japanese Reverse Auction.

These videos are mostly instructional in nature and include descriptions and demonstrations of IBM Emptoris Sourcing auctions being created and actually running.  The first 2 videos are more demonstration, than instruction.  It assumes some experience and prior knowledge on the part of the User acting out Buyer and Supplier roles for an Reverse Auction.

The target audience for all videos is Buyers unless otherwise specified in the video description.  The Knowledge Center has a series of Tutorials aimed at Suppliers:  https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSYR8W_10.1.1/com.ibm.help.esc_suppliertutorials.doc/...

Creating an RFx consists of multiple discrete tasks that can be undertaken in one long session, as shown in the first video, or that can be fulfilled incrementally and saved along the way.  

Similarly, the videos presented here can be taken sequentially, they are numbered, or can be taken in any order a learner requires.

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