Search for tag: "transaction manager"

Unit 10, Section 2: OSAM data sets and buffering

This video provides an overview of OSAM data sets and OSAM buffer pools, and how these components affect IMS TM performance.

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Unit 10, Section 1: VSAM data sets and buffering

This video provides an overview of VSAM data sets, which come in several varieties: key-sequenced data sets (KSDS) and entry-sequenced data set (ESDS). The video also discusses how to tune VSAM…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 9, Section 3: Identifying the source of excess IWAIT time

This video describes the following IMS Monitor reports that can be used to analyze an IMS IWAIT problem:Program summary report Program I/O report Call Summary report

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 9, Section 2: IRLM overview and how to reduce program elapsed times

This video describes IRLM, IRLM startup parameters such as SCOPE and PC, and how these components affect performance.

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Unit 9, Section 1: Components of program elapsed time

This video describes the components of program elapsed time and how and want to monitor in terms of IMS TM performance.

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Unit 8, Section 1: Program loading

This video describes: Which IMS Monitor reports document program load time The program loading techniques available for an IMS MPR Key MPR JCL parameters that impact program load The steps IMS MPRs…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 7, Section 7: Application termination processing

This video describes the process of terminating applications, including how output messages are queued to a final destination.

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 7, Section 6: IMS TM scheduling pools

This video covers Partition Specification Table (PST), the PSB Segment Intent List (PSIL), PDIR, PSB work pool, and other pools and control blocks that can affect IMS TM performance.

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 7, Section 5: IMS TM scheduling, part 4: failures and conflicts

This video describes two categories of failures: external conflicts and internal conflicts.

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 7, Section 2: IMS TM scheduling, part 1: scheduling options and types

This video describes the following scheduling parameter, options, and types:PROCLIM Wait-For-Input (WFI) Pseudo Wait-For-Input (WFI) SERIAL scheduling PARALLEL scheduling Application load balancing

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 7, Section 1: IMS scheduler overview

This video provides an overview of the IMS Scheduler. At the request of the dependent region, transactions are selected and scheduled by priority within class.

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 6, Section 5: Monitoring z/OS

Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) is an IBM z/OS component that enables z/OS systems programmers and performance analysts to assess how well systems are performing. This video shows how RMF creates…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 6, Section 4: Additional options for WLM goal mode

This video describes more options that you can use for WLM goal mode, such as CPU critical, storage critical, and report class.

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 6, Section 3: WLM definition menu

This video describes the Workload Manager Definition menu. The Definition menu is the central place for entering your service definition. When you set up a service definition, you must enter a…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 6, Section 2: Work Load Manager goal mode

The Workload Manager (WLM) component of z/OS monitors a system and determines how much resource should be given to each item of work to meet the goals that you have defined for it. This video…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Unit 6, Section 1: z/OS dispatcher

The z/OS dispatcher assigns CPU processors based on the importance of address spaces. This video describes how there can be many address spaces involved in supporting IMS functionality, and that they…

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From  ZTPS - Z SW video management