Search for tag: "software delivery"

Why Sell IBM DevOps Automation

Learn how to sell our DevOps to organizations large and small.

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From  chq_master_librarians

Most DevOps toolchains are perceived as being inefficient

Developers demand faster change and adoption of automation so software delivery is more frequent.

From  chq_master_librarians

Orgs need to do more to minimize the environmental impact of software delivery

Businesses look to reduce their impact of their software delivery process on the environment.

From  chq_master_librarians

Teams want help to identify efficiency blockers

Efficiency blockers limit innovation and response to changing business needs.

From  chq_master_librarians

Maturing software delivery is a journey that requires data

Data insights and analysis from each delivery stage help address inefficiencies.

From  chq_master_librarians

Developers want more DevOps automation

Developers want to deliver great software - faster. 'Automation' ( helps them achieve their goals.

From  chq_master_librarians