Search for tag: "smarter business"
Digitale Transformation am ArbeitsplatzDie Pandemie hat die Notwendigkeit der digitalen Transformation schneller beschleunigt, als wir es je für möglich gehalten hätten. Sehen Sie in diesem Video, wie ein fiktives… |
Transformation digitale au travailLa pandémie a accéléré le besoin de transformation numérique plus rapidement que nous ne l'aurions jamais cru possible. Découvrez comment une entreprise… |
La oficina digital: Conversación de la transformación digital 2021La pandemia ha acelerado la necesidad de transformación digital más rápido de lo que creíamos posible. Vea cómo una empresa ficticia está impulsando la… |
Think2021: Session #2298 How can AI help your business thriveAs the world deals with Covid-19, businesses have faced unprecedented challenges and have been turning to AI to become smarter businesses and ensure that they can react to changing
From CHQ_Events
Smarter Factories: Kyocera and IBMIn Japan, Kyocera worked with IBM Services, and implemented IBM® Cloud, to design a smarter factory. |
Build greater adaptability and resilience in your Supply Chain with an AI powered Control TowerFind out how an AI powered, manufacturing-centric Control Tower empowers you to deliver real-time insights to take actions that deliver value to your business.
From chq_mkt_delegated
How Smarter Businesses Transform in an Uncertain WorldLearn how a Smarter Business can excel during times of disruption by being built for change.
From IBM_systems_support