Search for tag: "skillsbuild"

IBM SkillsBuild pour les filières CIEL, SIO et NSI de l’Education Nationale

A la rentrée 2023, la filière « Systèmes Numériques » est devenue C.I.El, , pour Cybersécurité, Informatique & réseaux, ELectronique.…

From  chq_master_librarians

Tips on AI for career in Software Development

Hear from Shonda and Shalisha Witherspoon, both Software Engineers at IBM, as they share tips on how AI can help you kickstart a career in software development. Explore IBM SkillsBuild:…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Tips on AI for career in Cybersecurity

Hear from Jeff Crume, an IBMer with over 40 years of experience who also teaches Cybersecurity at North Carolina State University, as he shares tips on how AI can help you kickstart a career in…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Além da Ficção: O Futuro da Inteligência Artificial

A última sessão se concentrará nas perspectivas futuras da IA, e diferenciaremos especulações de desenvolvimentos prováveis, e como podemos nos preparar para…

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

Demystifying AI with IBM - What is it; debunking myths, use cases and more!

Are you interested in learning the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Join us as IBM industry leaders unveil the latest AI trends. Explore how AI influences our daily lives and learn invaluable…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Trilogía de webinars LATAM: Desmitificando la Inteligencia Artificial "parte 3: mas allá de la ficción: El futuro de la Inteligencia Artificial"

En la última entrega de la trilogía, nos centraremos en las perspectivas futuras de la inteligencia artificial. Diferenciaremos entre especulación y desarrollos probables, y…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Parte 2: "IA no Mundo Real: Aplicações e Usos Cotidianos"

Na segunda parte, exploraremos como a inteligência artificial é aplicada em diversas indústrias e em nossa vida diária, mostrando casos de uso práticos e…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Parte 1: "Inteligência Artificial Desmascarada: Mitos e Realidades"

No primeiro capítulo, abordaremos os mitos mais comuns sobre a IA, os desmistificando e mostrando o que é realmente possível com essa tecnologia.

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Demystifying AI with IBM - What it is, debunking myths, use cases and more!

Are you interested in learning the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Join us as IBM industry leaders unveil the latest AI trends. Explore how AI influences our daily lives and learn invaluable…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Desmitificando la Inteligencia Artificial - IA en el mundo real: Aplicaciones y usos en el día a día

En este webinar exploraremos cómo la inteligencia artificial se aplica en diversas industrias y cómo influye en nuestra vida diaria. Mostraremos casos de uso prácticos y…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Inteligencia Artificial Desenmascarada: Mitos y Realidades

En esta sesión abordaremos las percepciones erróneas más comunes sobre la IA, separando los mitos de las realidades y mostrando qué es realmente posible con esta…

From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

Skills For A Sustainable Future Webinar

With the growing need for environmentally friendly practices, employees in the green sector are increasingly incorporating digital skills as part of their everyday tasks. IBM and Burning Glass…

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From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

IBM Education Security Grants 2023

In response to the growing threat of ransomware attacks against schools around the world, IBM announced it will provide in-kind grants valued at $5 million to help address cybersecurity resiliency in…

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From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF

How to get connected to an IBM SkillsBuild mentee

This is a step-by-step guide to sign-up as a mentor for IBM SkillsBuild learners from underprivileged communities.

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From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

Internet of Things - How it Works

Internet of Things - How it Works

From  5500036VY7 5500036VY7

IBM SkillsBuild

Power your future in tech with job skills, courses, credentials—for free. Start today:

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From  5071K857JF 5071K857JF