Listen to this replay of Randy Blea, IBM Copy…
VM Recovery Manager requires the deployment of an…
DFSMS Cloud Data Manager (DFSMScdm)…
IBM z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager (DFSMScdm)…
When you deliver CICS application changes into…
Automated assessments of MQ Buffer Manager…
Automated assessments of key MQ Log Manager…
MQ Statistics data from Message Manager helps…
Examples of how MQ Statistics data provided by…
Come join the Advanced Technology Group and Randy…
Come learn from Randy Blea, IBM Copy Services…
A key component of a company’s…
video provides a complete, end to end setup…
This video provides a complete, end
to end setup…
Listen to Randy Blea, IBM Copy Services Manager…
Tejas Sapkar and
Shashank Shingornikar show an…