01:45duration 1 minute 45 seconds
Sonoma County: 정보 장벽을 극복해 더 나은 대민 서비스 실현
미국 캘리포니아주 소노마군(Sonoma County) 공무원들이 어떻게 기술을 활용해…
00:56duration 56 seconds
Clean your database with IBM Optim Archive, as…
Clean your database with IBM Optim Archive, as easily as you clean your garage
IBM InfoSphere Optim is the best-in-class…
03:55duration 3 minutes 55 seconds
IBM InfoSphere® Information Analyzer…
IBM InfoSphere® Information Analyzer Analyzing data quality and risk with the thin client
This video shows you how to use InfoSphere…
01:56duration 1 minute 56 seconds
Protect Sensitive Big Data with IBM InfoSphere…
Protect Sensitive Big Data with IBM InfoSphere Data Security and Privacy Solutions
It’s up to you to protect your…
05:09duration 5 minutes 9 seconds
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Virtual Data…
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Virtual Data Pipeline
A brief presentation of the InfoSphere Virtual…
09:07duration 9 minutes 7 seconds
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Optim Test Data…
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Optim Test Data Management and Data Privacy
This video will provide a brief overview of the…
06:11duration 6 minutes 11 seconds
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (2…
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (2 of 2)
Reverse engineer a model from an existing…
08:19duration 8 minutes 19 seconds
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (1…
Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Data Architect (1 of 2)
Learn about forward engineering, web…
02:49duration 2 minutes 49 seconds
Datastage: Basics: ETL - Extract Transform Load
In this video we will discuss Datastage:…