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IBM 供应链利用人工智能实现实时可视性

IBM 首席供应链官 Ron Castro 分享了人工智能在系统和流程中的应用如何使 IBM 实现了实时、端到端的供应链可见性,并大大提高了该组织在预防和缓解中断方面进行协调的能力。阅读 IBM 供应链案例研究:

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IBM Sterling Supply Chain Insights借助watson,提供了整个供应链的可见性。利用人工智能摆脱供应链的可见性挑战。

From  50UQ6M3JSN 50UQ6M3JSN

SEKO Logistics partners with IBM Sterling Supply Chain Insights with Watson for real-time visibility

Makenzie Dunford and Marc Gross from SEKO Logistics explain how they leverage AI through IBM Sterling Supply Chain Insights with Watson to gain real-time visibility into potential disruptions before…

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