Search for tag: "ibm garage"

IBM Garage Experience: AI for value orchestration

IBM Garage Experience is a program governance…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Garage - Test, validate and iterate to deliver value faster

Rapid development and testing refines the…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Let's create sustainability plans

What if the planet profited whenever businesses…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Technology Summit Barcelona: "Democratización de TI llevada a los datos"

Enric Delgado, CTO de IBM nos habla en…

From  chq_master_librarians

Reto: La Plataforma Tierra del Grupo Cajamar e IBM Consulting

This video shows how our team in IBM Consulting…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Garage for sustainability with clients

Description for the 45sec client…

+8 More
From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Garage for Sustainability

IBM is uniquely positioned to support our…

From  chq_master_librarians

Cloud without Compromise -- Flamel.AI and IBM Cloud

Alex Migitko, Founder of Flamel.AI, worked with…

From  chq_master_librarians

"Le leve del cambiamento? Innovazione, tecnologia e capitale umano eterogeneo e preparato "


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From  3100028KV4 3100028KV4

Nessuno si salva da solo: diversità e inclusione per un futuro più florido e sostenibile


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From  3100028KV4 3100028KV4

IBM TechU 2021 virtual edition - IBM Garage for Systems

Come watch what IBM Garage for Systems team have…

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From  270005H11F 270005H11F

Vídeo explicativo de IBM Garage

El enfoque de IBM Garage: qué es,…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

البدء باستخدام IBM Garage

تعد جلسات وضع إطار عمل IBM Garage طريقة رائعة…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

فيديو مفسّر لنهج IBM Garage

نهج IBM Garage: ماهيته وكيف يعمل والفوائد التي…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Vidéo explicative d'IBM Garage

L'approche IBM Garage : sa nature,…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y

Промо-видео об IBM Garage

Концепция IBM Garage: что это такое, как…

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From  550000WD1Y 550000WD1Y