Search for tag: "cloud infrastructure"

IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center Overview

Watch an overview of the IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center on IBM Z and LinuxONE.

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From  55000847AC 55000847AC

ExxonMobil: IBM Cloud로 주유소에서 혁신적인 고객 경험 선사

서비스 혁신을 위해 ExxonMobil은 IBM iX 팀과 협업하여 업계 최초의 디지털 결제용 스마트폰 앱인 SpeedPass+를 설계하고 출시했습니다. 해당 솔루션은 IBM Public Cloud를 이용했는데, 앱 운영 비용이 40% 절감되었고, 사용자의 증가에 따라 손쉽게 확장 가능합니다. ExxonMobil의 Devin Miller와 IBM의…

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From  270007MK9V 270007MK9V

Optimize your investment in Oracle applications with IBM Services for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

IBM Services delivers Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with the combination of business and technology skills you need to modernize, run, manage and secure your mission critical Oracle applications. Learn…

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From  chq_master_librarians

PaaS Explained

In this lightboard video, Tessa Rodes explains what Platform as a Service, or PaaS, is while also using multiple analogies to illustrate how PaaS can be a more cost efficient solution by enabling…

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From  chq_master_librarians