Search for tag: "ceo"

Décider à l’ère des grands paris et des innovations radicales

La promesse de l’IA est immense pour l’Europe. Mais pour résoudre une partie des grands enjeux sociétaux de l’Europe, de grands paris technologiques sont nécessaires. Rencontre…

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From  chq_master_librarians

An innovator’s guide for success

Arvind recently spoke with former IBMer and author Danny Sabbah about a new book he co-authored, “The Heart of Innovation: A Field Guide for Navigating to Authentic Demand.” In this…

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From  120000JQ8D 120000JQ8D

Own your impact: Practical pathways to transformational sustainability

We’ve reached an inflection point. For some time, the role of business in sustainability has received steadily increasing attention from companies and their stakeholders. But over the past…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBMグローバル経営層スタディ CEO Study 2021

IBM Institute for Business…

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From  270002PBSY 270002PBSY

Think 2021: Session #2293 The world's platform for digital transformation

Join IBM Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna as he shares his vision of the future of technology. Arvind will discuss how the agility of hybrid cloud and the intelligence of AI are accelerating…

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From  CHQ_Events