Search for tag: "automated testing"

Security definition validation for CICS TS

When you deliver CICS application changes into…

+12 More
From  270005DUQB 270005DUQB

IBM Virtual Dev and Test for z/OS Technical Overview

This video is a technical overview of IBM Virtual…

+8 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Getting started with installation of ZVDT web tooling

This video deals with installation of IBM Virtual…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Installing ZVDT license server and hypervisor

This video demonstrates how to install the ZVDT…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Testing an IMS BMP Program With GSAM Access

This video illustrates using ZUnit in IDz to test…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Testing a Main Batch Program That Calls a DLL

This video will illustrate creating a ZUnit test…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

IBM ZUnit Overview

This video introduces the importance of automated…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Getting Started with ZUnit Using a Modern SCM

This video illustrates creating, editing and…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Creating a ZUnit Test for a CICS-based COBOL Program That Accesses Db2

This video illustrates how to create, modify and…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Testing a Called COBOL Batch Program Containing Db2 Access with ZUnit

This video illustrates the process to create,…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Using ZUnit to Test a Dynamically Called Batch COBOL Subprogram

This video will illustrate how to use the ZUnit…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Getting Started with ZUnit for a Remote Project

Using sample programs included with the IDz…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Creating a ZUnit Test for a Dynamically Called CICS Program

This video will illustrate how to create, modify…

+8 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Creating a ZUnit Test for an IMS BMP COBOL Subprogram That Accesses Db2.

This video illustrates how to create, modify and…

+7 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Agile Testing for Z

In this video, IBM Z DevOps STSM and Chief…

From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB

Testing and code coverage of a program accessing files in Batch COBOL Db2 application using IBM z/OS debugger

This video illustrates using the ZUnit tooling in…

+9 More
From  507A9BV5PB 507A9BV5PB