Search for tag: "apm"


2024年6月25日に開催された【Leadership Agenda 2024】でのかんぽシステムソリューションズ 一井様による講演動画。かんぽ生命保険がどのように可観測性を手に入れ、従来型の監視とは何が異なり、サービスレベル向上や他の副次的な効果を実現したかなど、具体的な事例をご紹介いただいています。

From  chq_master_librarians

The Essential Role of Observability in the AWS Monitoring Cloud Journey - Webinar

Watch this webinar to learn how you can redefine AWS performance monitoring for cloud-native applications by deploying the IBM Instana self-hosted offering on your AWS private cloud.

From  chq_master_librarians

Real-Time Full Stack Observability with Instana

Instana's fully automated real-time observability platform puts performance data in context to deliver rapid identification to help prevent and fix issues fast.

From  chq_master_librarians


DXに取り組む企業が直面する課題の一つは、クラウドやコンテナで動作するアプリケーションの問題把握~解決のスピードではないでしょうか? 当セッションでは、三菱UFJ銀行がコンテナ基盤におけるIBM Instana Observabilityを用いたアプリケーションの稼働分析に取り組む背景、成果と今後の取り組みについてご紹介します。…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM APAC Instana observability 3

Whether you're an IT professional, a developer, or a business leader, this video is your gateway to unlocking the observability value for your organisation

From  chq_master_librarians


昨今、よく耳にするオブザーバビリティー(可観測性)。それは運用の領域では、と思われていませんか? そんなことはありません! DevOpsの促進や開発効率の向上、障害対応の迅速化など開発者にも大きなメリットがあります。本セッションでは、オブザーバビリティーツールの概要、その必要性、および開発者視点での活用方法をご紹介します。[講師]日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社データ・AI・オートメーション事業部…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Instana Digital Experience

Elevate your Digital Experience, Learn as we unveil the remarkable capabilities of IBM Instana in optimizing your digital experience. Discover how this cutting-edge platform revolutionizes…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Maximo: the journey towards a reliable energy grid

By adopting a risk-based maintenance strategy, utilities can make data-driven decisions to build a more robust and reliable grid. With IBM Maximo Health and Predict, a reliability manager can…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Instana Cloud Monitoring

Gain total visibility into your cloud technologies with Instana's monitoring tools! Whether you're running on AWS EC2, Azure VMs, or GCP Compute Engines, Instana tools provide a…

From  chq_master_librarians

Application Health through Observability

Traditional software support favors a react-and-repair strategy. But what if we could predict problems before they impact IT systems? With the combination of observable IT components, machine…

From  chq_master_librarians

애플리케이션 성능을 확보하는 방법

하이브리드 환경에서 애플리케이션이 어떻게 작동할 수 있는지 간단하게 설명하는 짧은 비디오 클립입니다.

From  chq_master_librarians



From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Instana Observability

Check out a free trial of Instana Play in our sandbox!

From  chq_master_librarians

Observabilidade Empresarial Contextualizada

O APM da IBM Observability by Instana proporciona visibilidade empresarial para melhorar a gestão do desempenho de aplicações, não importa onde as aplicações…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

IBM Observability by Instana APM(视频)

IBM Observability by Instana APM这段技术演示视频展示了IBM Observability 与Instana APM 如何让整个应用程序监控生命周期实现自动化,内容包括服务发现、依赖关系映射、监控、跟踪、最终用户体验、根本原因分析和管道反馈等。 与专家交谈:

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Observability by Instana APM

Este vídeo de demonstração técnica mostra como o IBM Observability by Instana APM automatiza todo o ciclo de vida do monitoramento de aplicações, incluindo…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8