Demonstration of Cloud Pak for Data using Watson Knowledge Catalog, Watson Query and Knowledge Accelerator for Financial Services in the area of Mortgage approval.
This video will walk through an end to end data privacy scenario using the Data Privacy scope within the IBM Knowledge Accelerators
This video shows how to customise and use the IBM Knowledge Accelerators in a Watson Knowledge Catalog environment.
Provide information on how to import the Knowledge Accelerators Business Scopes into a Watson Knowledge Catalog environment
information on how to import the Knowledge Accelerators Industry
Alignment Vocabularies into a Watson Knowledge Catalog environment
Provide information on how to import the Knowledge Accelerators Business Scopes into a Watson Knowledge Catalog environment
Provide information on how to import the Knowledge Accelerators Business Scopes into a Watson Knowledge Catalog environment
Walkthrough of the Contact Center Business Scope from the IBM Knowledge Accelerator for Cross Industry.
Walkthrough of the Weather Insights Business Scope available with the IBM Knowledge Accelerator for Cross Industry.
Walkthrough of the Personal Data Business Scope available with Knowledge Accelerator for Cross Industry.
video provides an introduction to the Knowledge Accelerator Business
Scopes that are available for separate import into Watson Knowledge
This video describes on how to get started with the IBM Knowledge Accelerators focusing on the import of the content.
This video provides a walkthrough of IBM Knowledge Accelerator for
Insurance. It describes the extensive business term coverage contained in the
offering for the insurance domain.
This video provides a walkthrough of IBM Knowledge Accelerator for Healthcare.
It describes the extensive business term coverage contained in the offering for
the healthcare industry.
This video provides a walkthrough of the main structures found within
the IBM Knowledge Accelerators.