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IBM Security® QRadar® XDR Connect 데모공격의 횟수와 이직률이 증가하는 상황에서 보안 분석가는 조직의 방어를 손상시키지 않으면서도 탐지 및 대응 효율을 최적화해야 합니다. IBM Security® QRadar® XDR Connect는 팀이 보안 인시던트를 신속하게 조사하고 이에 대응하고, 위협 누락 가능성을 완화하도록 지원할 수 있습니다. 개방형, 연결형, 지능형이며 AI 기반… |
IBM Security® QRadar® XDR Connect 演示面对越来越多的攻击和高流动率,安全分析人员需要在不影响企业防御的情况下优化检测和响应的功效。IBM Security® QRadar® XDR Connect 可帮助团队快速调查和响应安全事件,并缓解遗漏威胁所带来的风险。它具有开放、互联和智能的特点,通过统一的控制台,涵盖各种安全和 IT 工具提供单一、无缝的工作流程,且融合了基于 AI 的自动化功能。 了解有关… |
IBM Security Threat Investigator - PolishThreat Investigator skupia wysiłki badawcze analityków bezpieczeństwa, wykorzystując sztuczną inteligencję i automatyzację, aby pomóc w zadaniach związanych z badaniem spraw i znacznie… |
IBM Security Threat Investigator - SpanishThreat Investigator centra los esfuerzos de investigación de los análisis de seguridad mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial y automatización para ayudar en las tareas de… |
IBM Security Threat Investigator - ItalianThreat Investigator concentra gli sforzi di ricerca degli analisti della sicurezza utilizzando l'intelligenza artificiale e l'automazione per assistere nelle attività di indagine dei… |
IBM Security Threat InvestigatorThreat Investigator centra sus esfuerzos de investigación en análisis de seguridad mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial y automatización para ayudar en las tareas de… |
IBM Security Threat Investigator - GermanThreat Investigator fokussiert die Forschungsbemühungen von Sicherheitsanalysten, indem KI und Automatisierung eingesetzt werden, um die Ermittlungsaufgaben zu unterstützen und die… |
IBM Security Threat InvestigatorThreat Investigator concentre les efforts de recherche des analystes de sécurité en utilisant l'IA et l'automatisation pour faciliter les tâches d'enquête sur… |
Fighting a Cyberattack - IBM Security QRadar XDR Connect (Video 2)One video in a series of 9 short videos packaged as a Smart Paper on a boutique webpage. See how IBM Security can help.
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
ESG XDR Launch Video - QRadar XDR overviewThis asset is a less than a minute explainer video for social. It will feature Jon Oltisk of ESG discussing what QRadar XDR includes. To learn more: Learn More about QRadar XDR -
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
IBM Security QRadar XDRIn an era of security complexities and increasing challenging threat environments, security teams need to extend threat detection and response capabilities. See how IBM can help in this 3 min demo…
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
IBM Security Threat InvestigatorThreat Investigator focuses security analysts' research efforts by using AI and automation to assist in case investigation tasks and dramatically speed investigations.
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY