Search for tag: "study"

Water Corp bloom

Animation of pipes and valves

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From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

Westfield blooms

Animation of insured products

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From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

Vodafone bloom

Animation of satellites

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From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

Camp World bloom

Animation of Camp World gear

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From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

Mitsubishi blooms

Animation of car parts

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From  chq_marketing_DOTCOM_contributors

The Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) of IBM Security Randori

Forrester Consulting recently conducted a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study of IBM Security Randori to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may gain by deploying the…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty Study Jam - Day 3

This video captures the live jam session for the IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty.

From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty Study Jam - Day 2

This video captures the live jam session for the IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty.

From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty Study Jam - Day 1

This video captures the live jam session for the IBM Cloud for SAP Specialty.

From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

Boeing seeks new ways to engineer strong, lightweight materials

Boeing and IBM Quantum explore a future where quantum computers support aerospace engineering -- and set a new record for quantum problem-solving in the process.

From  chq_master_librarians

JSR and IBM Quantum envision a revolution in semiconductor manufacturing

IBM and JSR chart a new future for the global semiconductor industry, with quantum computing solutions to hard chemical engineering problems.

+10 More
From  chq_master_librarians

花旗银行如何利用 IBM LinuxONE 推动可持续发展

聆听花旗集团执行董事 Martin Kennedy 讲述其企业如何利用 IBM LinuxONE 精简数据中心、降低能源消耗。

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From  chq_master_librarians

Citi 은행이 IBM LinuxONE을 통해 지속 가능성을 촉진하는 방법

Citigroup이 IBM LinuxONE으로 데이터 센터를 간소화하고 에너지 소비를 줄이는 방법에 관해 Citigroup의 관리 디렉터 Martin Kennedy가 전하는 이야기를 들어보세요.

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From  chq_master_librarians

CitiのIBM LinuxONEを使ったサステナビリティー促進事例

CitiがIBM LinuxONEにより、どのようにデータセンターを合理化し、エネルギー消費量を削減したか、Citiグループ取締役であるMartin Kennedy氏の話をお聞きください。 サステナブルなLinuxONEの詳細はこちら :

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Cloud Security Engineer Specialty Study Jam - Day 3

This video captures the live jam session for the IBM Cloud Security Engineer Specialty.

From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF

IBM Cloud Security Engineer Specialty Study Jam - Day 2

This video captures the live jam session for the IBM Cloud Security Engineer Specialty.

From  55000AJXBF 55000AJXBF