Search for tag: "resource"

AIOps on IBM Z: Synchronizing resources with ServiceNow

In this video, we will show you how AIOps on IBM Z solutions can enable your ServiceNow problem and change management system to be more accurate and efficient in assigning tickets to IBM Z…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Power Virtual Server & PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Resource Optimized High Availability (ROHA)

The latest release of the PowerHA SystemMirror cluster software now supports the Resource Optimized High Availability (ROHA) feature for AIX instances running on Power Virtual Server…

From  2700070HPT 2700070HPT

Let's rethink cloud operations

If designed your cloud operations for a new company, what would you automate to ensure application performance at the lowest cost? Find out.

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Turbonomic + continuous application performance

Learn how IBM Turbonomic can transform cloud and IT operations through optimization you can automate. The software assures performance at the lowest cost and allows you to operationalize it for…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Z Anomaly Analytics v5.1.0.7 Topology Service

IBM Z Anomaly Analytics with Watson v1.5.0.7 has delivered a new topology feature which adds additional context to its existing anomaly detection capabilities to help IT Operators and Z Subject…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

Garantice el rendimiento con la gestión inteligente de recursos de aplicaciones

Turbonomic Application Resource Management para IBM Cloud Paks analiza continuamente las necesidades de recursos de las aplicaciones. Acciones rentablemente automatizadas para garantizar que las…

From  chq_master_librarians

Automating License Compliance and Resource Optimization

Real-time visibility to manage risk in IT environments, assure performance and optimize IT asset spend through automation.

From  chq_master_librarians

Concrete steps to combating IT talent shortage with AIOps

Watch this 20-minute webinar to learn how IT leaders can enhance and accelerate their automation efforts with AIOps, the best ways to get started now, as well as critical focus areas for your…

From  chq_master_librarians

Garanta desempenho com o gerenciamento inteligente de recursos de aplicações

O Turbonomic Application Resource Management para IBM Cloud Paks analisa continuamente as necessidades de recursos de aplicações, além de realizar ações totalmente…

From  chq_master_librarians

Sichern Sie die Leistung mit einem intelligenteren Application Resource Management

Das Turbonomic-Application Resource Management für IBM Cloud Pakete analysiert kontinuierlich den Ressourcenbedarf der Anwendungen. Gewinnen Sie vollständig automatisierte Abläufe,…

From  chq_master_librarians

Assurer la performance avec une gestion plus intelligente des ressources applicatives

Turbonomic Application Resource Management pour IBM Cloud Paks analyse en permanence les besoins en ressources applicatives. Il automatise entièrement les actions qui garantissent que les…

From  chq_master_librarians

Garantire le prestazioni con una gestione più intelligente delle risorse delle applicazioni

Turbonomic Application Resource Management for IBM Cloud Paks analizza in maniera continua il bisogno di risorse applicative Grazie ad operazioni completamente automatizzate puoi garantire che le…

From  chq_master_librarians

Asegure el rendimiento con la gestión inteligente de recursos de aplicaciones

Turbonomic Application Resource Management para IBM Cloud Paks analiza de forma continua las necesidades de recursos de las aplicaciones. Además de realizar acciones completamente…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

IMSplex and Resource Manager Deep Dive

This video describes the Common Service Layer (CSL) and how it works with the Resource Manager(RM). This video also covers the Common Queue Server (CQS), resource structure setup, Resource Manager…

From  ZTPS - Z SW video management

Turbonomic アプリケーション・リソース管理でパフォーマンスを保証

Turbonomic Application Resource Management for IBM Cloud Paksは、アプリケーションのリソース・ニーズを継続的に分析します。自動化されたアクションにより、ビジネス・ポリシーを遵守しながら、アプリケーションがパフォーマンスを発揮するために必要なリソースを確保します。…

From  chq_master_librarians

Assure Performance with Intelligent Application Resource Management

Turbonomic Application Resource Management for IBM Cloud Paks continuously analyzes applications' resource needs. Gainfully automated actions to ensure applications get what they need to perform…

From  chq_master_librarians