Search for tag: "protection"

Webinar - Get to know the features of new Guardium Data Protection 12.1

Recording of the webinar that covers Data security topic and the enhancements featured in Guardium Data Protection 12.1.

From  chq_master_librarians

theCube interview with Ram Parasuraman – Beyond Firewalls

Data protection used to mean making backup tapes in case a hardware failure disabled one of your production hard disk drives. Today organizations must contend with AI-based ransomware and…

From  chq_master_librarians

A unified approach to data discovery, classification, and protection

Watch this webinar to learn how the two-way integration of IBM Security Discover and Classify and Guardium Data Protection provides deeper context, broader scanning, and accurate protection across…

From  chq_master_librarians

Exercise 4: Govern the data

This video accompanies the Managing ModelOps with IBM Cloud Pak for Data V4.6 course, and demonstrates how to profile and protect data in Cloud Pak for Data.

From  120000DXD3 120000DXD3

Enterprise Storage: Still the Best Plan

Join long-time industry experts, AJ Casamento from Brocade and Brian Sherman from the IBM Advanced Technology Group, for an interesting (and entertaining) discussion into the intricacies of…

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From  2700070HPT 2700070HPT

Compliance without compromise - Is Your Business Resilient? (ASEAN webinar)

Join us to know how organizations can understand the current data resilience of their organizations and how IBM FlashSystem Cybervault can enable them to minimize business exposure from a cyber…

From  chq_master_librarians

Is your business resilient? Time to build you cyber resilience strategy.

This webinar, brought to you by ETCIO SEA and IBM will deep dive into how organisations can understand the current data resilience of their organisations and how to minimise business exposure from a…

From  chq_master_librarians

Demo interattiva di Guardium Insights – Attiva intervento correttivo

Oggi, gli strumenti di sicurezza devono essere più integrati che mai, lavorando a stretto contatto per fare fronte alle lacune e ai rischi connessi alla conformità e alla…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Demostración interactiva de Guardium Insights: actividades de bloques

Luego de investigar en profundidad, es muy importante que los equipos seguridad de datos tomen medidas de protección contras las amenazas en tiempo real. Guardium Insights permite que los…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Demostración interactiva de Guardium Insights: Activar Remediación

Hoy en día, las herramientas de seguridad deben estar más estrechamente integradas que nunca, trabajando en cercana colaboración para abordar las brechas de la seguridad de…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Demostración interactiva de Guardium Insights: entender los riesgos —valores atípicos

No todas las anomalías se crean de la misma manera, algunas representan falsos positivos mientras que otras indican actividad de amenaza interna. Entender la diferencia es fundamental, por…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Guardium Insights 交互式演示 – 触发补救流程

今天,安全工具必须比以往任何时候都更加紧密整合,进而密切协作,应对数据安全和合规的空白和风险。 借助 Guardium Insights,数据安全专家只需单击几下,即可阻止用户访问,并与关键利益相关者共享洞察。 他们也可以发起补救工单,触发事件管理流程, 进而实现快速上报和随后跟进。

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From  chq_master_librarians

Demo interativa do Guardium Insights – Acionar remediação

Hoje, as ferramentas de segurança devem estar mais integradas do que nunca e trabalhar juntas para lidar com segurança de dados e falhas e riscos de conformidade. Com o…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Guardium Insights 대화식 데모 – 트리거 교정

오늘날 보안 툴들은 그 어느 때보다 긴밀하게 통합되고 연결되어, 데이터 보안과 컴플라이언스 갭 그리고 리스크를 해결해야 합니다. Guardium Insights를 사용하면, 데이터 보안 전문가는 몇 번의 클릭만으로 사용자 액세스 권한 차단하고 주요 이해 관계자와 인사이트를 공유할 수 있습니다. 그들은 또한 사건 관리 프로세스를 트리거할 수 있습니다. 이를…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Démo interactive de Guardium Insights – Déclencher la résolution

Aujourd'hui, les outils de sécurité doivent être plus étroitement intégrés que jamais et fonctionner en synergie pour traiter les failles et les…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Interaktive Demo zu Guardium Insights – Trigger für Korrekturen

Sicherheitstools müssen heute nahtloser denn je integriert sein und eng zusammenarbeiten, um Lücken und Risiken bei der Datensicherheit und Compliance zu schließen. Mit…

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From  chq_master_librarians