06:22duration 6 minutes 22 seconds
Tape Modernization
Take advantage of the new tape technology and…
03:38duration 3 minutes 38 seconds
History of Tape
Do you know the history of Tape Technology? It…
01:26:01duration 1 hour 26 minutes
z/TPF Internship: System Characteristics
An educational overview of the system…
57:47duration 57 minutes 47 seconds
z/TPF Internship: TCP/IP Communications
An educational overview of TCP/IP communications…
01:23:46duration 1 hour 23 minutes
z/TPF Internship: Internals (Part One)
An educational overview of the internals of z/TPF.
38:03duration 38 minutes 3 seconds
z/TPF Internship: Internals (Part Two)