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Unit 12, Section 3: Lab 5 - Advanced Command CodesThis lab shows you how to use more advanced command codes and the program logic used to support those command codes. |
Unit 12, Section 2: HALDB Partitions and BenefitsThis video describes the characteristics and functions of partitions:Partition selection: through a user-defined high key or through a user-defined Partition Selection exit. Partition independence:… |
Unit 12, Section 1: HALDB Requirements and FeaturesThis video describes High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs): when you should use them, their capabilities, and other features of HALDBs. |
Unit 11, Section 2: Predefined Symbols and Programming HintsThis video continues the discussion of programming standards by coding a common copy member for all DL/I calls, using pre-coded SSAs, pre-coding a common PCB for each database, coding a common PCB… |
Unit 11, Section 1: Programming Standards OverviewThis video describes common programming standards and best practices such as using COPY facility for COBOL and using %INCLUDE facility for PL/I. |
Unit 10, Section 8: Application Interface Block (AIB)This video describes the AIB. Using the application interface block (AIB) provides an alternate way of establishing which PCB should be used for a DL/I call. A DL/I call that uses the AIB can refer… |
Unit 10, Section 7: Exception Handling: ROLL, ROLB, SETS, and ROLS CallsThis video covers several more service calls that can help with exception handling, such as the ROLL call, which permits an application program to back out processing to some earlier point. |
Unit 10, Section 6: Initialize (INIT) CallThis video discusses how the INIT call is initialized. INIT call is issued implicitly by IMS by PCB at scheduling. |
Unit 10, Section 5: Managing Database Availability with the INIT CallThis video describes the INIT call. The initialize (INIT) call allows an application program to:Receive status information regarding database availability (by checking each database PCB) Inform IMS… |
Unit 10, Section 4: Log, Statistics, and SNAP CallsThis video describes three more service calls: LOG: an explicit call interface that permits a program to write data to the log. STAT: most commonly used while developing or enhancing an IMS program… |
Unit 10, Section 3: Checkpoint and Restart Program FlowThis video describes the CHKP and XRST DL/I service calls. These service calls are frequently used together so that a failed program can be restarted and resume processing from near the point of… |
Unit 10, Section 2: I/O PCBThis video describes the I/O PCB. The I/O PCB is a non-database PCB that is used in IMS TM systems to communicate with some device for input and output between a program and an end user of IMS in… |
Unit 10, Section 1: GSAM Programming CallsThis video describes GSAM databases. GSAM is a simple IMS database access method that is available for any IMS (IMS DB, IMS TM, IMS DB/DC) customer. GSAM provides for enhanced data integrity… |
Unit 9, Section 3: Lab 4 - Command CodesThis lab shows you how to use command codes and the program logic used to support those command codes. |
Unit 9, Section 2: Call Exercise and SSA Advanced FunctionsThis video guides you through some exercises on using SSA advanced functions. |
Unit 9, Section 1: Boolean OperatorsA program might need to specify multiple search criteria for the value in a segment. While you could do this by issuing a DL/I call that specifies only one of the conditions and then use program… |