Search for tag: "ibm openpages with watson"
IBM OpenPages with Watson : PrésentationIBM OpenPages with Watson transforme la façon de travailler des professionnels des risques et de la conformité. En fournissant des services de base et des composants fonctionnels sur… |
IBM OpenPages with Watson: ÜbersichtIBM OpenPages with Watson verändert die Arbeitsweise von Risiko- und Compliance-Experten. Durch die Bereitstellung von Basisservices und Funktionskomponenten auf einer skalierbaren Plattform,… |
IBM OpenPages with Watson: panoramicaIBM OpenPages with Watson trasforma il modo di lavorare dei professionisti di rischi e conformità. Offrendo servizi fondamentali e componenti funzionali su una piattaforma scalabile che… |
IBM OpenPages with Watson: Información generalIBM OpenPages with Watson transforma la forma en que trabajan los profesionales de riesgos y conformidad. Al proporcionar servicios básicos y componentes funcionales en una plataforma… |
IBM OpenPages with Watson: Visão geralO IBM OpenPages with Watson transforma o modo como os profissionais de risco e conformidade trabalham, ao entregar uma visão holística do risco e das responsabilidades… |
IBM RegTech Virtual Summit: GRC trackReplay of the 2021 IBM RegTech Virtual Summit. Hear RegTech experts discuss best practices for managing today’s new challenges in GRC, while at the same time improving efficiencies, reducing… |
IBM OpenPages Operational Risk Management: DemoWatch this demo to learn how to automate the process of identifying, measuring, monitoring, analyzing, and managing operational risk. |
Aviva + IBM: Rethinking the user experience of IBM OpenPages with WatsonA 90-second enhanced audiogram featuring Shelley Tester, Operational Risk System Manager at Aviva plc discussing her participation with IBM User Experience. Let's re-think your user experience…
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
Achieve GRC expertise with AITranslate documents across 50+ languages, obtain 24/7 support with a GRC virtual assistant, promote accuracy and efficiency in incident reporting with AI-relevant classifications, and more using IBM… |