Search for tag: "go on z/os"
WharfThis tool enables automatic porting of Go source code to Unix-compatible operating systems that have gained new support for the Go programming language. Wharf works by investigating Go source code… |
WharfThis tool enables automatic porting of Go source code to Unix-compatible operating systems that have gained new support for the Go programming language. Wharf works by investigating Go source code… |
Direct access to VSAM databases with Go recordio moduleLearn how to access the VSAM database directly from Go on z/OS without using cgo. |
Go on z/OS: How to access VSAM data bases from Go and CGOThis video will cover how you can access VSAM databases from Go and CGO. This is part 2 of the "How to use Go packages to create a RESTful server" tutorial video. This video was inspired by… |
Go on z/OS: Using Go packages to create a RESTful serverThis tutorial video will cover how to use Go packages to create a RESTful server. It will also give a brief introduction to the Go language and how to localize your package with no access to the… |
Go on z/OS: Connecting Compiled Binary Programs to Go ProgramsThis tutorial covers how to use Go programs to call a script or binary programs. Calling outside scripts or programs from Go can be done to achieve program interoperability. The tutorial consists of… |
IBM Open Enterprise SDK for GoIBM® Open Enterprise SDK for Go is an industry-standard Go compiler that brings a powerful framework for building fast and scalable applications to the z/OS® platform. It enables IBM Z®… |