Search for tag: "endpoint"

Creating a Virtual Private Endpoint gateway to access a Private Path service

Consumers can connect to a provider's Private Path service through a VPE gateway. This video demonstrates how to create a Virtual Private Endpoint gateway and explains what information is…

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From  IBM Cloud Platform

Manage and Govern Events with Event Endpoint Management

See how IBM Event Automation's Event Endpoint Management capability enables existing events to be discovered and consumed by any user through self-service access across teams, while also…

From  chq_master_librarians

QRadar EDR: Reducing false positives

QRadar EDR features Cyber Assistant, an AI-powered alert management system that helps ease analyst workloads by reducing the number of false positives by 90% on average. See how Cyber Assistant…

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From  chq_master_librarians

QRadar EDR: Prevent Attacks

Ransomware attacks are on the rise and will only continue to grow in frequency and complexity. Antivirus methods are no longer enough, and early-stage endpoint warnings are necessary to help you…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Demo IBM Security QRadar EDR

Vea esta demo para ver cómo QRadar EDR protege los puntos finales de los ciberataques utilizando IA y automatización para detectar anomalías y responder a los ataques casi en…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Becoming an Event Driven Business

Businesses that can put events to work can gain a constant state of awareness that enables them to be more responsive to customers and resilient to market dynamics. With capabilities for event…

From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Security MaaS360 : gestione degli endpoint

Video dimostrativo del punto di ingresso che mostra come è facile abilitare e gestire tutti i tipi di dispositivi utilizzando MaaS360.

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From  chq_master_librarians

MaaS360: Unified endpoint management

Dieses Demo-Einstiegsvideo zeigt, wie alle Gerätetypen mit MaaS360 schnell und einfach registriert und verwaltet werden können.

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM MaaS360: Unified endpoint management

Transform your endpoint management with MaaS360's end to end capabilities, unifying devices, users and apps. Get your 30 days free trial

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson:产品演示

当今时代,因员工远程工作,公司在管理和保护其分布式设备时常常捉襟见肘。IBM MaaS360 可帮助管理这些设备,监控针对设备的恶意活动并部署安全措施。借助 MaaS360,您可缓解分布式办公环境中不断演变的安全风险,在保障团队安全的同时,无需放缓生产效率。 详细了解 MaaS360: 申请免费试用:…

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson: 제품 데모

원격 인력을 활용하는 현대 기업은 분산된 디바이스를 관리하고 보호하는 데 많은 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. IBM MaaS360은 이러한 디바이스를 관리하고, 악의적인 활동을 모니터링하고, 보안 조치를 배포하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. MaaS360을 사용하면 분산된 인력의 보안 위험이 계속 진화하고 있음에도 이를 완화하고, 생산성을 저해하지 않으면서…

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson : 製品デモ

リモートワークを導入している現代の企業は、分散したデバイスの管理と保護に苦戦しています。IBM MaaS360は、これらのデバイスの管理、悪意のある活動の監視およびセキュリティー対策の導入に役立ちます。MaaS360は、労働力が分散した状況で拡大し続けるセキュリティー・リスクを軽減し、生産性を損なうことなくチームを保護することができます。 MaaS360の詳細はこちら…

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson: Demonstração do produto

Com as equipes trabalhando remotamente, as empresas modernas têm dificuldades de gerenciar e proteger seus dispositivos distribuídos. O IBM MaaS360 ajuda a gerenciar esses dispositivos,…

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From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8

Explainer: What is IBM MaaS360

Modern-day companies with remote workforce struggle to manage and protect their distributed devices. IBM MaaS360 can help manage these devices, monitor them for malicious…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Event Endpoint Management Explained

Event Endpoint Management plays a key role in scaling messaging systems like Kafka. In this video, Jamil Spain shares four tips on best practices implementing Event…

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From  chq_master_librarians

Event Endpoint Management Explained

Event Endpoint Management plays a key role in scaling messaging systems like Kafka. In this video, Jamil Spain shares four tips on best practices implementing Event Endpoint Management.

From  chq_master_librarians