Search for tag: "containerization"

Containerization Explained

In this video, Sai Vennam delves into containerization and container-based technology, focusing on the portability, scalability, and increasingly Agile DevOps processes that containers facilitate.

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From  chq_master_librarians

Taming the Wilderness UEM Oversight on Unmanaged Devices

IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson and Wandera teams talk about the role of containerization, the activation and importance of IAM (Identity and Access Management), and monitoring user risk and…

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From  chq_master_librarians

IBM Cloud Pak for Security

As more organizations begin to transition to the cloud, they are faced with daunting security challenges which often includes too many tools, too much data, and a growing skills gap to be able to…

From  664001S6XF 664001S6XF

Why IBM Cloud Paks on IBM Cloud?

Sai Vennam with IBM Cloud provides an overview of IBM Cloud Paks and demonstrates how these pre-integrated, containerized solutions running on IBM Cloud can easily be deployed with IBM Schematics on…

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From  chq_master_librarians